IU Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Congrats. What is University Division?

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University Division is when you arenā€™t choosing a school upon entering (heā€™s deciding between majors in the School of Arts and Sciences, the Media School and the School of International Studies).

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Has anyone who applied on 10/31 gotten a decision?

10/31 here (OOS) and waiting. It doesnā€™t look like that date or 11/1 has heard. Not sure about 10/30.


When was your application marked ā€œcompleteā€?

oos here too, latest iā€™ve seen so far is like 10/29; most kids in surrounding high schools for my state that have heard applied early oct. hoping iu doesnt drag too long :sweat_smile:

DS received an email saying it was complete on 11/6

His college counselor is really on top of things, so I know he submitted the transcript, etc. immediately

Good luck!

Was accepted but not sure what date because all it says is congratulations(unlike other schools which have a nice letter posted on the portal lol)
3.65 weighted GPA
27 ACT superscored
Oā€™Neill School Pre SPEA (Management Major)
Will be petitioning for direct admission soon

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Iā€™m also 10/31 but I have read about some people who applied on 10/30 and they got their decision. I guess when one of the 10/31 people gets their decision then we should hopefully hear from them soon.

My DD applied EA on 10/28 and has not heard yet. Application complete when she signed into the portal.

Today she got an email saying Direct Admin to Kelley


Congrats! Did your child get direct admit to kelley automatically (had requisite GPA and act/sat ) or via petition? If petition what were his stats?

Has Kelley sent out any decisions yet to students who filed petitions?

Yes! My daughter did not send test scores. She has a 3.9 unweighted GPA. Lots of extras and started her own business.

Good luck to you!!!

She applied for Kelley and initial acceptance didnā€™t mention about Kelley but got an email today from Bschool



Congrats! Looks like itā€™s taking about 3 weeks or so to hear about direct admit. We still have about 2 weeks to go. Thank you for the heads up!

Congrats! When did she hear?

People who have already petitioned for Kelley, did you put a lot of effort into the essay or you think petition is mostly about the overall application. (gpa ,rigor, ec and so on ā€¦)

My DS just got the email for direct admit to Kelley today! He petitioned as he did not send in test scores. Hereā€™s the info if itā€™s helpful to anyone:

OOS/3.73 UW GPA (numerous AP, honors classes & extracurriculars)
Applied in early October but transcripts not sent until later by school

10/26 - Email saying application was complete
11/9 - Accepted to IU via portal
11/11 - Email with IU acceptance

10/11 - Petition submitted
12/1 - Email with direct Kelley admission received

So - 3 weeks+1 day after IU acceptance as they already had his Kelley petition.

I think his essay was great and he did work hard on it. Discussed a promotion at work, what he learned from it, etc. Weā€™re thrilled - getting to Kelley was pivotal to his IU decision and itā€™s his #1!

Good luck to everyone!


How does direct admit work if your school does not have GPAs, but your SAT score qualifies for direct admit?