IU Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission


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Depends on the college you are petitioning. some are very fast.

Son admitted today. Applied 10/31

4.3 UW GPA
1480 SAT


So I was checking my portal and noticed how it says that my application date is november 1st but I submitted my application on the 31st of october. So which would it be?

Do you mind sharing his stats?

I was just admitted today
OOS applied 11/1
GPA UW 3.43
GPA W 3.74
SAT 1280


UW GPA 3.62
W GPA 3.91
SAT 1400
Lot of extracurriculars including Athletics (Basketball)


My Son got an acceptance email in the same program:
Program - University Div Pre-Informatics
Plan - Data Science BS

Do you have any details on Program and Plan differences? I am very confused with ā€œDivā€. Thanks in advance.

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What date did he apply?

S got an acceptance email for:
Program - University Div Pre-Informatics
Plan - Data Science BS
Application Date: 1st Nov, 2021

Now the confusion starts, what does ā€œDivā€ means?

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Son admitted! 1330 SAT and 3.8 WGPA. Applied 10/31.
Iā€™ll let him find out on his own. He petitioned Kelley on 12/9.
We may ā€œbreak awayā€ to visit in February to visit Alumni Hall, b-school, etc.


Forgot to put stat:
W GPA : 3.5
Lot of advanced Maths. Passed 2 AP with 5. Didnā€™t pass a few too. But taking University classes at a local public university.
Extra Curricular: Only one thing, Chess. State Champion (In open section). Nationally ranked Chess player U-18.

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Has anyone seen anything about accepted student days? We havenā€™t visited campus and would like to as soon as we can. I know when my daughter was applying to schools 2 years ago some schools has them starting in February.

Iā€™m really not an expert at understanding direct admit and university division admit. Iā€™m guessing it means you are in your major from day one versus entering after certificationā€¦ look at bottom of this page

That said, my son was listed as University Div Pre-Informatics for about 2-weeks before being directly admitted (criteria). All of this direct admit stuff is a second language to me. Closest thing I can think of is starting General Engineering or Business and then narrowing the major down a little later after you are there.

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Thanks @ItIsJustCollege . THis helped and clarified every thing. My son will not fall in direct admit. But thatā€™s OK :slight_smile:

Congrats to the recently accepted. My DS22 applied EA on 11/1 and still waiting. How is everyone being notified? Is it through the application status on the one.IU portal, email, letter? Thanks

I am also still waiting. What iā€™ve noticed is that they will update the portal first and then send you an email within a week.

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Just to clarify. IU admit comes about 4 weeks after you ā€œcompleteā€ your application, not from your ā€œsubmissionā€ or ā€œapplicationā€ date. School waits for HS transcript or other materials to arrive. And it takes time for them to enter your information into system which also takes times. Once you have the ā€œcompletionā€ date from student portal, the ~4-week estimate are somewhat reliable. Just my observation for people who are waiting anxiously. Good luck to you all. For those who apply for Kelley, thatā€™s anther 3 weeks or so for your direct admit after IU admit.

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Donā€™t be worried, I recently got accepted direct admit about 6-8 weeks after I applied, I had to petition before getting DA.

it means that either he didnā€™t meet he requirements for direct admit, or is waiting to be accepted by the specific school