Ive already been accepted with presidential scholarship. WHen does honors college decision come?

How long does it usually take for the honors college to get back to you?

My son Was notified after only a few days, however, we did not understand that the honors college acceptance was sent to his Crimson mail account. Check your crimson account. We were actually visiting and in the honors info. session when they told us to check and that is when we found out.

Thank you I did not realize this either

Did you fill out the Honors College application? There is a separate application for Honors College - it is not automatic. My D also got her acceptance in her Crimson mail account which she never would have thought to check if I hadn’t read about it here.

Yes I sent it in last Thursday. I wish it said that it used Crimson mail.

From now on…Bama will only really use your Crimson email for everything.

Make it a habit to check your Crimson email account each day. Once you are an enrolled student, you will need to check your email account several times a day.