Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Scholarship 2014-2015

may be they will start on Wednesday hopefully

I hope so. By the way, @georgemk, I never got the chance to respond to you. I wanted to say thank you and that I’d gladly do the same for you. Your story and strength amazes me, and the fact that you’d make such a generous offer says a lot about you. You definitely deserve to win this :slight_smile:

One year ago today they already did the press release for Undergraduate Transfer Scholars. :frowning:

I know! The suspense is killing me! I find myself stalking the page hoping someone posts that they got it! I know I only have a 4% chance and I probably won’t get it but a girl can dream :slight_smile: I just want to know!!!

Yeah I was really hoping they’d make the press release today like they had last year. Time is really running out. I literally only have 2 weeks until the deadline deposit for my backup school.

This is the most anxious moment in my life. I just hope they don’t fail us this week at least this week

@kpcosmic, contact both schools about doing an extension if you don’t hear something soon. My top choice told me to contact them on the April 27th to extend my deposit deadline. And my back-up just contacted me today about being accepted so I at least have thirty days from today to contact them, but it is really starting to freak me out because I want to go to my top choice which might still make the most sense to go to. My back-up doesn’t do a lot of scholarships for transfer students because they figure that transfers can get state grants and scholarships which in the end would still lead me taking the same amount of loan out at my back-up as if I went to my top choice. The only plus is they have a full-tuition scholarship at my back-up which I will hear back about at the beginning of May so if I don’t get the Jack Kent Cooke scholarship I hope I get that scholarship.

today was the official start of ‘every time i hear the phone ring my heart bursts out of my chest like a hungry man eating alien’

Wow. Okay. We are all getting way too stressed. This isn’t healthy. Especially with finals coming up. Try and think about other stuff y’all. Like… Are there any good movies folks have seen recently?

@SOS1301 It is really hard to concentrate, and my fear is that it might affect our hard working spirit and performance in this semester. Too much stress.

@FutureNurse2018 You’re not the only one. I get nervous when no one posts all day.

@ElizabethB82, maybe they will start calling people tomorrow. Looking at past forums even the college scholars who were notified last month, I noticed that people were notified towards the end of the week usually during the afternoon. I noticed this because I saw that a few people in previous were notified on Friday and Thursday. One person even got a voice mail on a Friday, but had to wait to call back until the following Monday because they had closed for the weekend.

Another day with nothing

Because this is turning into a significant delay, I wish JKCF would send an email out to all applicants explaining what to expect in terms of wait and notification.

The president of my college emailed me suddenly last night to invite me to an award ceremony tonight (which was odd, because it was so last minute). I told her I had to work, so she admitted she wanted to surprise me with an award, and I got so excited… But then she said it was just a certificate she gave to students who overcame difficult situations. It’s cool, I’m grateful, but I can’t explain to her that some part of me was disappointed. Someone said they are calling winners directly this year anyhow, so I should’ve known better.

Didn’t we hear it might not go out until late April?

Yes, that’s what they say when you call!

They told others to expect results in mid April.

@Georgemk, I think that they gave out the late April date to some people before they starting stating the mid April date because I haven’t heard anyone say anything about late April since they started talking about mid April. And as of Wednesday last week it was still suppose to be mid-April.

Oh my God, I’m going to have a heart attack. I swear, it’s one false alarm after another! Strange phone number called me, and when I answered, the lady introduced herself and said “We evaluated your application and I wanted to say congratulations!” I flip out, and then she says “on being a finalist” for a small local scholarship to my back-up school. My heart can’t take this!

It’s kind of ridiculous at this point that they haven’t sent out a mass email to let everyone know, or at the very least updated their website FAQ to reflect the delay.