Just A Few Questions.....Answers Appreciated

<p>Hey if I go to UM I will be there on a scholarship, so I'm wondering if you have to keep a certain gpa to keep it.</p>

<p>See my problem is that I'm interested in both Media Management and Meteorology.....so I would like to double major in those 2.........is that possible???</p>

<p>If I have to keep a certain gpa than I would not double major so any answers would be appreciated?</p>


<p>Miami is actually quite liberal in how they measure your keeping your scholarship compared to most other schools I have seen. The way my S's schoalrship works is that it is guaranteed for the first 2 years (most schools we checked out or were awarded scholarships required you qualifying every year starting with the first). At the end of the 2nd year if you had a GPA between 2.7 and 2.99, it was then guaranteed for the third year which allowed you a chance to get it above a 3.0. If your GPA is above 3.0 at the end of the 2nd year, Miami guarantees the scholarship for your last 2 years. To me, this is a very liberal policy which doesn't kill you and not allow you to recover if you blow your first semester due to acclimation or not getting used to being "independant" your first semester.</p>

<p>Wow, this is great news. Is this true of all the scholarships. My son has a Henry Stanford 50% scholarship, and i was under the assumption that he needed a 3.0 his first year to have it be continued. I have been very concerned about this for the reasons you mention, acclimation and being alone--he is also going to do the miami committment program, which I am concerned may take time away from studies. But if what you say is true of all the tuition scholarships then I feel less stressful. Where did you get this info, if I may ask? I hope this is true of my son's scholarship as well. Thanks.</p>


<p>Go back to your original admittance packet or maybe the offical leteter you got about your scholarship. In one of them we got a FAQ sheet on the scholarship my S received, the Ashe 3/4 scholarship. On that FAQ sheet were all sorts of Questions and Answers about the scholarship, including the exact criteria of expectations for GPA, what the scholarship included guarantee wise, etc.</p>

<p>If you can find it, call the admissions office and ask them. They can tell you the criteria for your scholarship, but I can't imagine it being different.</p>

<p>Wow thanks for that information. </p>

<p>But do you know if you can double major in Media Management and Meteorology?</p>

<p>Also with the SAT do they take the best single sitting, or a combo of your higher scores?</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure you can mix-n-match sections to get your overall highest score.</p>

if media management is in the school of commun you can double major with a major in school of liberal arts.best to call or wirte to each dept to see if this is posssible. And most schools take a combination of your highest scores.</p>

Thanks, of course the info was right where you said it would be. Wow, I dont know how we missed that. I was under the impression that a B average had to be maintained from the geiko. I think because we found out about his scholarship by phone and when the written stuff came we did not look at the fine print. This is a very nice scholarship as they give the kids 2 years to get adjusted. My son felt really relieved when he read the fine print today. It takes a lot of stress off getting started. So glad you posted this info.</p>


<p>Yeah, its a very liberal policy, much more so than any other college we looked at frankly. I just hope my S doesn't realize he can game the system now, LOL. He will be entering with at least 31 and maybe 35 credits already, which means as a sophmore. So he could graduate in 3 years, even with a double major thanks to the Foote Fellow thing that allows him to design his own schedule from the get go. Which means he is only required to get a 2.7 or above and still be covered all the way to a 3 year graduation, LOL. Shhhhhhh....it's a secret, LOL. Luckily, he really wants to spend 4 years there so is actually looking at 12 creds a semester to keep full time and concentrate on keeping grades up with the hard classes he is planning on in a double CS majors.</p>

<p>Maybe your S and mine and his friend will get to know each other.</p>