<p>I was looking up my HS in USNEWS and found out my school is a magnet school...</p>
<p>I'm part of that "magnet" program >.></p>
<p>I didn't know what a magnet school was, so I may have checked on all of my apps that it isn't a magnet school. I don't remember if any apps asked that... Does anyone know if the CommonApp asked? </p>
<p>I only knew I was part of a "specialty program" didn't know what a magnet school was :</p>
<p>well magnet schools mean that it attracts alot of very smart students and so that would help your application because the colleges would know u came from a tough school</p>
<p>Magnet programs attract students with particular strengths. Academic magnets like IB are simply looking for motivated, bright kids, while others may be geared towards those with specific interests like science or math.</p>
<p>Your GC attaches a school profile along with your transcript to help colleges decipher what your grades and achievements “really” mean in context. This will explain to colleges the sort of high school you attend. If it’s a rigorous magnet program, this will help, as ynot said, because colleges may be more forgiving of less-than-stellar grades knowing that the classes have prepared you well for college success.</p>
<p>Yeah. The guidance counselor portion of the application will ask them questions about the rigor of your courses so he or she will have plenty of opportunity to talk about how awesome you are for being in that program.</p>