Where/how to report magnet on common app?

If it’s application based program housed in larger public school but only the larger public school listed in drop down. Do you list it separately under other? List it under honors/awards? How to make known student attended a more rigorous magnet within the larger mainstream school? Transcript from larger school does not make that clear.

Your HS will attach a school profile with every transcript – you can ask the guidance counselor to see a copy if it isn’t online. See if the program is described in the school’s overall profile before doing anything. If it isn’t, ask the guidance counselor what is normally done – perhaps he/she will note the program in the LOR.

FWIW my D was in a smaller program at her HS and it was described briefly in the overall HS profile and (we were told) noted in her guidance counselor LOR. She mentioned the HS program in a number of her supplemental essays mainly because it tied into why she liked a certain type of college.


The way my D handled this was with the LORs. She had one of the teachers from the special program write a LOR describing the program briefly. I believe, as happy1 notes above, the program is also mentioned in the school profile, so the LOR description and note about my daughter’s participation in the program lined up with the mention in the school profile.

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Great thank you!

Adding…I imagine one teacher noted the program in her LOR as he was her advisor as well as a core subject teacher. And a couple of her ECs were unique to the program.

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