Large Public schools - What was the ELC cutoff?

<p>What was the minimum GPA at your school… and how many students are in your graduating class?</p>

<p>S had 4.45 (10-11) and was not ELC. He was top 10% (I think about 7%) but they stopped ranking this year. This is a top rated public school in CA.</p>

<p>well, a 4.37 is top 2 % at our school and our valedictorian is an Intel STS final with around a 4.7+ (9-12)</p>

<p>Class of 550. ELC = 3.8 uw; sry, not sure about w.</p>

<p>I'm talking UC GPA's... 4.45 isn't an attainable UC GPA because they recalculate and only weight 8 semesters worth.</p>

<p>Idk all the elc kids at my school's uc gpa, but of a class of 490, we had 20 kids accepted into elc. I'm #10 in my class, with a 4.4w gpa, but the lowest went down to a low 4.3w. Sry how I don't know about the gpa translation, this probably didn't help your data gathering...</p>

<p>4.45 is attainable if you only take 4 classes.</p>

<p>not when uc's cap gpa's at 4.4 :)</p>

<p>Actually, a 4.5 UC gpa is possible if you only take 4 a-g classes for Soph & Jr years and they are all honors/AP/IB and you receive all A's. One year's gpa is 5.0 (4 year-long classes = 8 semester bonus points) and the other's is 4.0, for an average of 4.5 w.</p>

<p>Apparently ELC is calculated without a cap.</p>

<p>I'm 4.21 capped/4.86 uncapped, and I didn't get ELC at my public hs.</p>

<p>evera is correct no cap on ELC</p>