Likely Letter?

<p>I got a letter in the mail from the College of Human Ecology today and I'm trying to decide what it means. Did anyone get the same letter? Is it just a generic letter (and thus, harshly get's my hopes up :( )? Or could it be a little perk like a likely letter of sorts? </p>

<p>Dear ______,
Thank you for your application for admission to Cornell University's College of Human Ecology Class of 2017. We appreciate your time and effort invested in its competition and the chance it offers to know you better.<br>
This can be a very trying time as you await admission decisions. We hope you will approach your wait with calm and continue to attend to your work and activities with excellence and integrity. You my update or supplement your application by forwarding any additional information you believe is useful for us to consider by early March. We are especially interested in your academic performance as your senior year progresses.
Admissions decisions for Cornell University will be available online March 28 after 5:00 PM (EST). Please contact our offices if you have specific questions about the admissions process and/or your application.
In the interim, accept our best wishes as the academic year and application process continue.</p>

<p>Sincerely, </p>



<p>Umm I don’t know how you could think that’s a likely letter. It’s not.</p>

<p>Just a letter to tell you to continue your work and not to slack off. lol Nothing big.</p>

<p>well, did anyone else get one? anyone get a letter that resembles a likely letter that they’d like to share?</p>

<p>An actual Likely Letter is unequivocal. It says words to the effect: “Congratulations. We are happy to let you know that we fully intend to offer you admissions into the class of 2017 at the end of March”</p>

<p>Do you see how that veers from your Wonder Bread letter? Yours is not a Likely Letter. Best of luck though</p>

<p>If people get likely letters, doesn’t that mean they are pretty much in?</p>

<p>ugh why do they even send this letter then? what is the point of it…</p>

<p>they are reminding you to submit your senior year grades. definitely not a likely letter</p>

<p>Reason they’re called likely letters is because they tell you you’re likely to get in. Wow this is such a ■■■■■ letter btw =.= Who wants a letter telling them to keep on waiting for decisions.</p>

<p>I got a “likely” to Cornell and it was nothing like this. It pretty much told me I was in, I’m not entirely sure what this is</p>

<p>magistreal, can you post it? When did you receive it? Thanks.</p>

<p>Likely letters always say something along the lines of “you can expect a favorable decision once admission results are released.” The above letter is not a likely letter.</p>

<p>@magistreal Are you a recruited athlete?</p>

<p>barvoets, I could see how you might entertain the notion. If other people were not getting letters at all, then a generic contact of this sort could possibly ‘code’ for ‘we like you’. Just saying that you are smarter than a couple of the inappropriate aggressive responders in the post.</p>

<p>based on the responses here it does seem to be a neutral form letter, though i wonder why it would not be common knowledge and universal. seems like everyone or nobody would get a generic letter. Could it be universal to all applicants to the College of Human Ecology?</p>

<p>I would still rather get a letter such as yours than no letter. It shows some interest on their part. Do people ever submit additional LORs at this point? just wondering. sort of an invitation in there to sway the Adcom. they are also implying to limit senior grade drop.</p>

<p>@barvoets this letter means “thank you for applying to cornell. We appreciate your interest. Your application is complete and the admission process has started. Don’t stress out and quietly wait for your decision”… I am guessing this is the right translation. I think everyone got such a letter after he/she submitted his/her application</p>

<p>I didn’t get this letter and applied to CALS</p>

<p>I got this letter but from CoE. I don’t remember whether it was from Cornell or another uni!! That is surely not a likely:)</p>

<p>Try not to get your hopes to much. That is not likely letter, however like the post before this could represent a form of interest. But dont stress and try to read in between the lines of every email or letter you get from a college. For example, 2 days ago I received a important reminder about financial aid. This is the second time that I’ve been contacted in 2 weeks and it basically just said
Dear Prospective Cornellian,
The Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment is here to help support and guide you and your family through the financial aid process. If you believe that you will need any amount of financial assistance to attend Cornell University, we strongly encourage you to apply for financial aid immediately. Please submit the items below:</p>

<p>with a whole checklist. Thought I almost had a heart attack when they told me to submit the Complete the Financial Aid Application Certification, which is not due till June 15. So that confused me a bit^-^ Good Luck!</p>

<p>Thank you! Yeah, ugh colleges just feed off of making their applicant’s nervous don’t they? haha. Well, I guess, it’ll all be over soon.</p>

<p>Yeah, they do(: However, if you want to have a little encouragement think of it this way. Out of the 27,000 applicants that they get for admissions at least they sent you a letter. XD</p>