
Hello I’m an incoming student who’ll be moving in in about 2 weeks. My mild acne has not really improved after trying multiple different treatments and I’m convinced only accutane can help solve my problem. If any parents or students have suggestions of dermatologists that will likely give me the prescription it’d be much appreciated. Im a male and won’t have a car if that helps, but I’ll have a bike and buses to help me get to where I need.


Dermatology Care of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.

No matter where you go, you’ll need to Uber to appts. Make sure that your insurance will cover this if you’re coming from OOS.

Call for an appt asap because dermatologists usually are very booked up.

Good luck!!!

If you haven’t tried Differin gel I’d give it a try before going to accutane. Differin was formerly only available by prescription but can now be obtained over the counter. You’ll need to use sun screen and stick with it for a couple of weeks to see if it’s working for you.
