Shout-out to UA and Kiki Karatheodoris!

<p>Following y’all’s suggestion, I contacted Kiki Karatheodoris, asking if she could recommend a good dermatologist and suggest ways my son could get to them monthly for Accutane treatment. (He doesn’t have a car.)</p>

<p>She responded with the nicest, sweetest, warmest email EVER. Actually two emails. <strong>During her vacation!!!</strong>* She did recommend an excellent dermatological practice. And she told me that, when she returns to the office Monday, she will find a way to get DS to this practice for his monthly appointments.</p>

<p>I am completely blown away.</p>

<p>I have three alma maters – one for undergraduate, two graduate. I cannot imagine <strong><em>any</em></strong> of them being remotely this helpful.</p>

<p>Sorry for all the asterisks and exclamation points, but I am gobsmacked.</p>

<p>Three cheers for Kiki and UA. I know which school’s going to get my donor dollars – and it’s not any of my own alma maters!</p>


<p>Diane, my husband and I have both said the same thing. Bama is getting our money, not any of our schools. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Kiki is just a wonderful lady. </p>

<p>She is really loved by Bama. When her home was damaged by the Tornado, she had a ton of people (including Dr Sharpe) offering their homes for her to live during the repairs. </p>

<p><3 Kiki</p>

<p>Kiki is wonderful. Last fall, there was some kind of a mixup regarding my son’s Hollings Scholarship. It was canceled without warning. He called me from the campus, quite upset, because not only would have lose out some nice scholarship money but a government internship. We talked a while, and I sent him to Jane Batson as a place to start for help. She immediately got a hold of Kiki, who spent considerable time working with the UA officials to correct the problem. It was solved, and my son got back a couple of weeks ago from American Samoa and his internship. </p>

<p>Kiki is awesome … just like all the people at the Honors College.</p>

<p>Oh Agree, Roll Tide Kiki ~~~~~
She is an awesome lady!!!</p>

<p>Would you possibly be able to give me the derm’s name or information? My derm at home in New Jersey keeps getting annoyed that I only come in twice a year (because that’s how often I leave Alabama!), so it would be nice to have someone near school.</p>

<p>That being said…roll tide. :slight_smile: Bama never ceases to amaze.</p>

<p>Alabama Dermatology in Northport. I can give you the phone #, too…will look it up in kiki’s correspondence. :)</p>

<p>Found their website. Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Oops, sorry, Regina, meant to get back to you sooner. I am obviously a LOT less helpful than Kiki, who responded with phone number right away. So sorry!!</p>

<p>Im I the only one in the dark here?? who is Kiki?</p>

<p>Kiki is an employee in the Honors College. I’m not sure what her job title is…maybe Honors College Registrar? She keeps track of a lot of things. She’s also like having another parent at the school.</p>



<p>Ditto. Including the Roll Tide. :)</p>