Got room in RCE -- 3rd floor

<p>There are presently a few more rooms in RCE, none in RCW, and quite a few in RCS-S. </p>

<p>Good luck everyone.</p>

<p>For girls I’m seeing a few room in RCW and quite a few in RCE.</p>

<p>Slippy, there is one in RCW right now but on 1st floor</p>

<p>My son got a room in RCS-N. anyone else there?</p>

<p>DS tells me he and his friends will probably end up choosing a non-honors suite in Riverside or Lakeside. Since it seems they will no longer get housing in the future, no big deal forfeiting the right to honors dorms.</p>

<p>My S and his RMs stayed in RCS-N but moved to 4th floor.</p>

<p>Curious…why the 4th floor? If I’m not mistaken 2nd or 4th sound good, laundry on both. Is one better than the other?</p>

<p>Chardo, my sophomore D with housing scholarship has decided to leave honors so that she could get a single. I don’t like how none of the honors housing have singles, especially after housing made the comment that quite a few upperclassmen will choose singles and doubles. It sounds like the only upperclassman who got to recontract were scholarship kids who would be eligible for honors. We are just hoping that they don’t change the Lakesides to honors in a year which would kick her out since she will not be honors eligible.</p>

<p>In our case, one particularly choosy boy wanted only a certain few select rooms - in specific proximity range to/from kitchen, laundry and stairs. They could not get the exact room they wanted on 2 so went up to 4. Whatever. I don’t have to live there. I’m happy we made them pick themselves. Can’t blame us for their choice!</p>

<p>My S chose the 5th floor so there wouldn’t be anyone above him. He was on the 4th floor. I guess there was an “elephant” above him.</p>

<p>Hey Class2012, my DD and her roommates are also on 4th floor of RCS-N. They are staying in the same room that they have this year since they like the location so much. Maybe they’ll be neighbors!</p>

<p>What some would call ‘choosy’, others would describe as ‘discriminating’ -</p>

<p>Bottom line: Get us AWAY from the thudding basketballs. Also a minus: The guy directly above who played his electric guitar until three in the morning, no matter how many wall bangs he was subjected to.</p>

<p>Nothing wrong with choosy!</p>

<p>Missread, our boys don’t talk to girls – at least 3 of them seem to have a bet that the first that speaks to a girl loses. I suppose there is always hope for next year, though.</p>

<p>NRDMOM - Which rooms hear the thudding basketballs? No way to predict the electric guitar jerk beforehand, unfortunately…</p>

<p>Lisa, our sons’ room faced the basketball courtyard. At times some players missed and hit a window instead. Our class of players apparently does not have the skill it did the year before, because there wasn’t an issue the year before. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Our boys also are very into cinnamon rolls and wanted to be near the kitchen; they did not move strictly due to noise.</p>

<p>^^^ Very true. I also think since our boys are kind of homebodies and study a lot in the dorm they noticed it more. </p>

<p>According to DS, the guitar player was quite talented, just stayed up too late sometimes. He is convinced the time the guy played moany music until past 5am one morning had to have been the result of a bad break up.</p>

<p>Some dude in Riverside (1st floor) plays his bass guitar loudly. He is right under my son’s room. They call him Bass God.</p>

<p>And right above my son is a person who likes to… how should I put this… bounce the bed up and down at all hours of the night.</p>

<p>When you say that there aren’t any rooms in RCW, is that in general or just recontracting students?</p>

<p>My D’s side of the 4th floor has been very quiet this year. One of the reason the girls wanted to keep the same room along with convenience to the stairs.</p>

<p>Right now for boys, RCW has 9 rooms open with any space, most for 2, a couple for 1. No completely empty rooms.</p>