<p>My son is getting ready to apply to colleges, with a focus on Computer Science and Possibly Game Design.</p>
<p>The issue is his grades. He has struggled with ADD, but because he is so smart, it comes off as laziness rather than issues revolving around procrastination and organization. </p>
<p>His GPA is about 2.8. This is a kid who failed US History and has to repeat the second semester, but got 4/5 on the AP Exam. He is taking AP Calculus this year, and has gotten A's in Math since his Sophmore year. </p>
<p>His SAT scores are 780 Math, 610 Reading and 630 Writing.</p>
<p>He will (hopefully) have his Eagle Scout by late January and is involved in karate. the only school activity is the programming club.</p>
<p>He is interested in applying to WPI, Stevens, Drexel,Northeastern, RPI and URI as a Safety School.<br>
I know the first four will be a long shot, but can anyone evaluate his chances and possibly provide suggestions for a few more safety schoools, or alternative schools with good math based computer programing / game design majors?</p>
<p>Thank you</p>