Lowest Accepted GPA/SAT Stories to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI and UCSB

<p>I got into UCM, UCSC, and UCI with a 3.65 UC gpa and 1430 SAT’s</p>

<p>For fall 2011, my friend’s brother got into biochem at UCSD with ~1600 SAT and around a 3.2 UC GPA. He did have the fact that he was an all-star tennis player going for him though.</p>

<p>For fall 2012 one of my friends got into Cal with ~1600 SAT (this seems to be common for these kinds of stories from my school…) and a 3.0 GPA, his only EC was choir. I think he was undeclared.</p>

<p>I know a current freshman here (UCD) that mentioned he had a 1730 and a 3.4, though I don’t know his ECs. He’s a CS major.</p>

<p>For the fall of 2014, I got into all UC’s even UCLA (but not UC Berkeley) with:
UW GPA: 3.9
W GPA: 4.3
SAT: 1680 M+CR+W
EC’s: 4 year varsity Track, 4 year NJROTC Cadet and Commanding Officer, 1 Year Varsity Wrestling, 1 Year JV Cross Country, 2 Year National Honor Society, 3 Year California Scholarship Federation, 2 Year Catholic Youth Group Member, 2 Years Volunteer at Animal Adoption Center, Interned for local Congressional Campaign, Volunteered to help former Jr. High School Wrestling team, etc.
And a thoughtful personal statement that revolved around my family background and growing up with huge expectations and how I handled them.</p>

<p>Anything is possible with the UC’s so give it a shot! :smiley: </p>

<p>Accepted to UCSC with a 3.19 UC GPA, 1810 SAT, and 570 on SAT II Literature. Took only 1 AP class ever, and that’s during my senior year.</p>

<p>I’m appealing to UC Davis, as well.</p>

<p>UCLA has been my dream school since middle school. Freshman years my grades were a mix of As and Bs, but then Sophomore year disaster struck (pretty much B in everything except an A in math). Junior year ended with all B+'s and one A and first trimester senior year had a couple A’s. My GPA was a 3.24, which is much lower than the typical GPA of the incoming class at UCLA, but my counselor urged me to apply nevertheless. SAT scores were 2220, my personal statement was nothing special (I recommend submitting to readyessay.com), and my extracurriculars varied but I showed a focus in Marine Bio. Honestly didn’t think I was going to get it, but somehow I did (somehow I was waitlisted at UC Davis lol). In the end I think it was the fact that UCLA doesn’t ask for final exam grades, which for me were mostly C+'s, and doesn’t care about the +/- after the letter grade, so my transcript mostly just looked like A/B’s. Long story short, I got into this amazing school with a 3.2 GPA. Apply, you never know, good things may happen :). </p>

<p>Accepted to UCSD, UCD, UCI, UCSB with 3.75 GPA and 1710 SAT, 26 ACT. Essays, extracurriculars, and major (M. Bio) were probably why.</p>

<p>I know this is late but what did she talk about in her essay?</p>

Anyone else have more recent stats with low GPA’s and their acceptance schools?

I have a 4.2 UC GPA and 25 ACT, any idea if i will get in the top 6 UCs?

I just got a call from UCSD. I got in!! Got in with a 27 ACT (no SAT I or SAT II) and a 3.89 GPA. It can happen! My Essays were alright (I thought they were good when I wrote it and submitted it… Then I reviewed it and realized all my errors I made) I had great EC’s though.

@Snowbells‌ they called you about your acceptance…?

@smileesarefree‌ I can second that, I got a call about 3 hours ago congratulating me on my acceptance to UCSD too! My SAT was a 2080 with an unweighted GPA of 3.96, not sure what it would be in terms of UC gpa though. I am an OOS student as well :slight_smile:

@Homeless2Harvard‌ oh wow, congratulations! must be nice to get a personal phonecall from them. i’m jealous LOL :open_mouth:

@smileesarefree They did call, it was quite late too. I was surprised.

Hey, I’m moroccan, currently in 11th grade and stressing my guts out. Living in California has always been a dream a since I visited it two year ago. The only problem is that my parents won’t pay college for me if I do not go to a UC college or any other good colleges … My GPA is around 3.35 GPA and I still didn’t take my SAT. I played soccer in private clubs and for the school since middle school… just thought I should point that out. Anyways, do you guys think I could get accepted? My cousin who was in French school in Morocco got accepted to Berkeley ( he didn’t speak that good in English at the time ) and recently transferred to UCSD, and a guy at my school with a 3.8 GPA / 1854 SAT didn’t get accepted… Could anyone enlighten me about the admissions and how lucky I should be to get accepted

@Vimmm: Your best chances with just your GPA only, would be UC Riverside or UC Merced.

Average GPA for all the UC’s except UCR/UCM/UCSC are 4.0+ To be competitive as an International, you need an SAT score of around 2000+ or above.

UCR: Average GPA is 3.77 SAT: 1739
UCM: Average GPA is 3.61 SAT: 1638
UCSC: Average GPA is 3.82 SAT: 1782

UC’s have their own unique way to calculate your GPA: http://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

this gives me hope. how were your ECs?

Got accepted into UCSB and UCR
W GPA 3.65
UW GPA 2.8
SAT 1770
Math Lvl 2 660
Full IB and Honors classes
ECs: Blood drives, City Parades, UCR ETC, I worked with law students, Calc Club.

What? @skywahlker oh my gosh congrats! You know, lots of people got rejection letters with higher stats.

Wow, I don’t even know you but I am just really happy for you!

UCSB is a great school! :slight_smile:

Thanks again @ItsHydro‌ ! I come from a pretty poor&bad area so I think they took that into account!