Lowest Accepted UC scores

<p>Friend got into berkeley with a 1840 and a 3.8 weighted or so</p>

<p>I got into UC San Diego with a 4.12 GPA and a 1660, lol.</p>

<p>i got into UCSB w/ 3.8 (i think) weighted and 1750 SAT. but i had only been living in the US for about one year when i applied to UC's.</p>

I know a guy who got into UCI this year and he had bad stats too (like not a great SAT score, absolutely did NOT care about school that much, grades were like Cs and stuff)</p>

<p>I got into UCLA and UCB spring admit with a 3.85 unweighted, 1810 sats, and 29 ACT.</p>

<p>But I created my own club and my school is in the ghetto. (85% on free lunch)</p>

<p>Because I was on CC so much that I thought I would be lucky to make it into UCI or UCSD only.</p>

<p>dont the UCs use a formula to determine who will be accepted? If so, why is any of this suprising?? </p>

<p>Any California resident is ASSURED a spot in a UC (one of the nine) if they have 1) a 3.0 G.P.A., 2)Completed the A-G courses, and 3) completed all necessary examination. You may not get into the UC you want, but you have a guaranteed spot at one of them.</p>

<p>My friend, she got 1610 on sat and a 3.2 w gpa. 800 Hebrew sat ii, 500 math2 and she going to berk this fall.</p>

<p>^^^ woowwwwww whats she majoring in???
doesnt that have a lot to do with which school youd get into?</p>

<p>vosamin what you said is true, however, the top 12% are supposed to be guaranteed a spot in a UC, maybe not to the one of their choice. However, 3.0 does not assure you a spot, it is just the minimum gpa to qualify. I’m sure you have looked around these posts and have seen that many well qualified people (I’m talking 4.0+ and 1900+ SAT’s) got rejected to top schools. Of course they probably didn’t apply to the lower tiers because they never dreamed they would be rejected, so nothing is for sure these days in the UC systems, or the top state schools either. You friend must have had over the top EC’s and was extremely lucky. Never heard of anyone getting in to Cal with those stats except someone who was recruited. She was lucky and an exception. Congratz Demoz…You do bring up a valid point, the demographics of a HS and EC’s will also help with admissions, as GPA’s and SAT’s are looked at in the context of what is offered at a particular school, and how a student compares to similar students at the high school. For example, if a student had a 10-11th grade gpa of 3.8 (with up to 8 semesters of AP credit) and an SAT of 1710 and is in the top 4% of their class, then they WILL be admited to a UC, not necessarily the one of their choice though, although this year UCSB, UCD and I believe UCI guaranteed admission to the top 4%. UCLA and UCB weigh heavily on EC’s and the essay as well. My advice would be to look up the prelim 2009 admissions stats for the schools on Stat Finder in UC Pathways. That being said, their is always some kids that are admitted that are a surprise so it doesn’t hurt to apply if you have the extra money. You never know!</p>

<p>O_O wow… <em>speechless</em> looks like its easier to get into ucs if you’re a cali residence! apparently ppl with average of 1800-1900 sat and 3.5 gpa (weighted) can’t even get into ucd, uci, ucsb, or ucsd even though ppl claim our school is very rigorous.</p>

<p>■■■■■. Move on.</p>

<p>@any1can </p>

<p>Anyone who is qualified to apply and does apply is guaranteed a spot at a UC - It might be riverside or merced but that’s what the UC website says.</p>

<p>I’m a junior and one of my friends got into UCSD and UCLA withe a 1500 SAT and a decent GPA. He was very involved on campus and was an immigrant. I don’t mean to make anyone mad but it happens.</p>

<p>I know people who were accepted to UCLA with 1500 SAT scores…scout’s honor.</p>

<p>Back in the day, a student with a 3.0 WAS guaranteed to get into at least one UC, and my 3.99 GPA (they didn’t have weighted GPAs then) virtually guaranteed admission into any UC I wanted. (The SAT was scored differently then, so my scores aren’t comparable to current scores.)</p>

<p>Maybe someone who currently lives in CA can speak to this, but I would guess that the 3.0 guarantee has disappeared. (Addition: Someone posted above that 3.0 is the minimum GPA needed, but no longer guarantees admission.)</p>

<p>I’m not sure a 3.0 would even get you into UC Merced these days.</p>

<p>Vosamin–Unless she’s an athletic recruit or a Regent’s Scholar (not with those grades) how could she know yet whether she has gotten into Berkeley for the fall? Berkeley hasn’t made admissions announcements yet.</p>

<p>somemead–I wonder if the UC’s are being more lenient with grades/tests scores for students who don’t meet the CA residency requirements, because then they pay the much higher OOS tuition? I’m not saying they do, but this could be a possibility.</p>

<p>Check the dates.</p>

<p>Someone likes to dig around for old threads. <em>cough</em> ■■■■■ <em>cough</em></p>

<p>@OtherEtc: Actually I got accepted into UC Merced and I have a 3.0 GPA lol</p>

<p>lol @ all the haters</p>

<p>then again, I am not really in a position to laugh at anyone (curse the UCs for not weighting all my classes TT.TT)</p>

<p>UC Davis
3.1 GPA
1860 SAT</p>