MAC 2311 vs. MAC 2233

<p>Analytic Geometry & Calc 1 vs. Survey of Calculus..</p>

<p>How much easier is survey of calc? What is the most significant difference between the two aside from the obvious lack of analytic geometry in the latter? </p>

<p>I'm an Economics major so luckily I only have to take Survey of Calc. I've heard from several people that it is like watered down calculus and even someone with a decent math background won't have much of a problem with it. I was wondering if there was any validity to that and I figured CC would have the answer.</p>

<p>No use killing your GPA I guess, but be forewarned that if you wish to get into the theory side of econ that you will have to get accustomed to some pretty difficult math, and survey of calc may not even satisfy the prereqs for classes such as “hard” linear algebra.</p>

<p>Oh lol I’m not worried about that. I’m majoring in Econ to help me with business/corporate law in the future. Serious economics beyond my major isn’t in my plans. I’m hoping that means that the class is very easy though? :p</p>

<p>“survey” is always code for “easy” :P</p>

<p>MAC2311 is part of the 3-part sequence for engineering , math , phy , etc. majors
MAC2233 is is intended for majors in business, finance, economics, building construction, and the life sciences</p>

<p>Both cover some differential and integral calculus but MAC2233 is more basic and involves problems closer to the majors listed.</p>

<p>MAC2311 is sometimes called “Differential Calculus” , but it still covers some integration , I would still called in a basic course because it’s the 1st course in elementary Calculus but you might not need to take the 3 part introduction , it depends.</p>

<p>I got a C in survey and I had AP Calculus and IB Math Methods which had some calculus it it prior.</p>

<p>MAC2233 is very heavy on economics. Do not take it Spring 2009; the professor is notoriously tough. He was the only professor in like twenty years that the department took off of a course half-way through the year [in 2007/08, he was removed from MAC2311 to teach a few Calc 2 classes]. After Spring 2009, he’s being moved to strictly graduate teaching. He was supposedly on probation and he has such a high fail rate that they’re removing him from undergrad.</p>

<p>I kind of have to wonder if I would’ve done better with MAC2311 because it would’ve been more like what I was used to. I don’t know.</p>

<p>Sounds like what should have happened to my calc 3 prof …</p>

<p>my prof said MAC2311 is Calc with trig, and MAC2233 is Calc without trig (Business calc)
… Engineering majors are required to take MAC2311 while business major can take 2233.</p>

<p>I took MAC2311, it wasn’t too bad :slight_smile:
Pretty easy actually.</p>