Really long question bc I called UCR and was transferred over and over but the ones who I should talk to are unavailable. So yeah I’m here.
I’ve been placed in “ARC 35” for math and “ENGL004D or L discussion” for English. Turns out I didn’t pass either placement exams! I’m so confused and disappointed. I’m afraid I’ve already failed or fallen behind before college has even started.
For those of you who are in the same predicament I am—I hope I’m not the only one :(— Is the $40 ALEKS preparation objectives (in order to retake the MAE) sort of an alternative to the $280 Intermediate Algebra Workshop, as long as I complete all the modules and pass the MAE the 2nd time around? Can ALEKS be completed earlier than 6 weeks? And does anyone know if the online version of the Intermediate Algebra Workshop is interactive with live videos of the professor teaching math on campus or honestly just someone there to help with any math questions?
Also, I’m afraid of not knowing which classes to choose at Orientation July 20-21 (CNAS) since doing ALEKS for 6 weeks from today will mean completion in August. And because I’ll be busy doing online classes to fulfill the math requirement, I can’t attend Highlander Early Start Academy to fulfill the English/Writing requirement before college starts. So how hard is it to catch up to regular English classes and other UCR freshmen if I enroll in English 4 for fall quarter? Yeah, my college experience already looks bad
Hi there! I’m an incoming student at UCR, but I haven’t taken the AWPE because I already placed into the appropriate English class at my local community college, so I’m able to take classes that clear me out for English classes at UCR.
ENGL004 is really not bad. It’s basically a class that prepares you for writing college essays and how to get better at writing thesis statements, etc. You work your way up into writing a good essay, whereas in ENGL001A, you’re expected to write college essays and research papers and whatnot. Basically, you’ll be a quarter behind but the class is required before you move on with the ENGL1a,1b, and 1c sequence. Also, you don’t have to take all the English classes by your first year. You can spread it around so that you could have a balance of hard and easier classes. I know someone who took English 1b and 1c their junior year. If you take a WAC (Writing Across the Curriculum) class, it clears you out for English 1c. (I think the WAC classes are different for BCOE majors though)
Anyways, I know a lot of other incoming UCR freshmans who didn’t pass the AWPE. It doesn’t mean you’re failing college, it’s just that you’ll be placed below a level to prepare you for the actual english classes. If you don’t want to retake the MAE, I suggest you try to take a placement exam at your local CC and take a class before summer ends if you place into the equivalent of English 1a at UCR. (use I’m taking mine 100% online, so I don’t have to go on campus whatsoever. But if you haven’t taken an online class before, this might be harder for you.
I have no idea what ALEKS is, since I haven’t heard of that before. As far as your classes go during orientation, we’ll be given a sample course plan according to our major so we can take a look at it and see which classes to choose from. You could also just see a sample plan and major requirement worksheet if you google it, so you can take a look at which classes you’re going to be taking.
It’s fine if you placed below in the AWPE and MAE. My friend is a bio major at UCR that just completed her first year, and she took more units than the average for each quarter, but she did say it was doable. If you can manage your time well, you could just take more units instead. In fact, UCR even states that taking and passing 15 units will guarantee that you’ll graduate in 4 years. (It’s their “Finish in Four” campaign) Most freshman start out with 12 units for their fall quarter, but my friend started out with 16 and she hasn’t failed a class or anything.
Thank you! This help so much!
I just finished a phone call with the Student Affairs Officer of UCR’s Writing Program and she also told me it’s a common misconception to think I’m behind when I’m really just getting more preparation, like you said. It’s a relief hearing I’m not the only one and that there’s a way around this. How long was/is your English class at your local community college? And the cost? I’m probably too late at the college near me but but I’m checking to help.
Great! I just don’t want you to think that you’re having a bad college experience because of this situation. Definitely, college is more than just doing well in classes.
So, for my English class, my community college suggests spending about 10 hours a week on it, but it’s more doable than the AP classes I took last summer. I don’t spend more than 2 hours on it, unless I have a big assignment due in a few days. My English class usually consists of a discussion, which is when I answer the question(s) that my professor asks on the discussion board. This part is really simple if you just answer what’s asked. I have small assignments, like journal-style summaries, and research paper topic proposals. I also have a research paper due with my final. All my tests have been writing essays, like definition essays and illustrative essays. I couldn’t find my professor on, which is risky, but he’s very chill. Obviously, some professors are very strict and make you read novels as you progress in the class. My writing exams are timed 90 minutes, and when time is up, my essay is automatically submitted. Summer classes are definitely not for someone working full time, traveling, or anything like that. Make sure you’re free most of your summer. But that doesn’t mean you have to be anti-social. I can manage my class with my social outings, which is great tbh.
I only needed 2 textbooks for my class, which I was allowed to purchase as E-books on Amazon for like $30 total. (super cheap)
If you take this route, I suggest you check ratemyprofessor after you see the open class listings and see which ones have good ratings so you don’t suffer for 5-7 weeks. My summer class is only 5 weeks. After this term, I will be taking English 102 which satisfies both ENGL1b & 1c at UCR. This is much easier for me, as I didn’t take the AWPE in the first place, so this exempts me from taking the AWPE if I complete AND pass my english classes this summer.
Costs are covered by FAFSA and BOGFW. (Board of Governors Fee Waiver) which pays for my enrollment fees (the classes I take) and the rest of the mandatory fees, I have to pay myself or with my refund when I get an award letter from my CC. Deadline for FAFSA is June 30 for summer 2017, so I suggest you fill it out now. It’s the 2016-2017 FAFSA, not the 2017-2018. Otherwise, it’s $46 per unit for CA residents. So I’m taking a 3-unit class which makes it $138 just for the class itself. Honestly, I think it’s still worth it. But yeah, my FAFSA basically covered for my classes.
I don’t think you’re too late to start the summer college class. Most community colleges have 2 terms. Right now, it’s the first term. You should be able to at least take a class for the second term. Make sure you take a placement exam before though. It’s a pre-req for most community colleges, unless you have AP credit. It’s easy. It’s basically like the SAT’s, but less intense. Just a series of questions about passages and some grammar. Thankfully I placed high enough so I could take English 101 this summer. (same as Engl1a at UCR)
Sorry for making this super long, but I hope you find an alternative way to retaking your AWPE or taking Engl004 this fall 
I’m literally in the exact same situation as you and did not pass both the AWPE or MAE! I’m a bio major and im so concerned with being super behind. I was going to take arc 35 online this summer that way I can just get it over with and be able to take the next course in the fall quarter! I feel so much better knowing im not the only one going through this situation!
I’m also in the same situation, and I’m majoring in Geology. I still don’t know if it would be better to take ARC 35 online this summer, take it during fall, or take the ALEKS program modules before I go to orientation. I’m going to orientation on the 13-14 of July so this is very frustrating.
I AM almost in the same situation but I was placed in math 7a so I’m not worried about math and my major is biochemistry, my problem is that I got 4 out of 12 on the English placement test and now I have to take these classes before I start regular english ( basic writing 3, basic writing 3L and basic writing 4 ). English is my second language and i moved to the States from Syria 3 years ago.
I have one day to regester for the early start acadomy please let me know f you have any advice i’m really confused and i don’t know who to call.
@Mak1999 If you can, you should take a placement English test at your community college and if you get placed into English 101, take that class for session 2. If you’re worried about falling behind in English, I think this would be the most logical way to get back on track. UCR has some summer options for AWPE actually, so check that out.
^ this link should help you out. I’m taking English 101 at my CC, so that exempts me from English 1A at UCR if I pass the class. It’s only a 5-week class though, so it’s pretty intense. I’d only recommend if you’re actually into academics this summer, since this is our only summer before college starts. But honestly, a lot of people scored low on the AWPE. Whichever option you choose, you’ll finish the whole english series before you graduate. Also, UCR doesn’t have a set time period for English, so you can take it your freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior year. But they recommend freshmans to take English and finish it so you can focus on GE’s and upper divs. And obviously, for people who did score low on the AWPE, they should definitely take english classes their first year to catch up.
@Mak1999 You could take the early start academy, which is basically summer school. It’s for 7 weeks, but if you live pretty far from UCR, you probably have to stay in the residence halls. I think it’s a good way to preview college life and also get credit. They give students a scholarship, or at least that’s what I read on their website. Not exactly sure who they’re giving it out to, but you should also check that out.
@natsnats I just checked the math requirements for the geology major, and it looks like you need up to Math 9C to graduate. Math 9C is Calculus III. I’m assuming you don’t have AP credits. I think it would be best for you to do Arc 35 online, if you can make it to the finals which is in person at UCR. If you want to, you can take a placement test at your local community college and see if you get placed into a higher math course than you did on the MAE. If you did, take that math class there (obviously check if it transfers to UCR) and it’ll exempt you from taking the same class at UCR in the fall. The ultimate decision is up to you. Good luck
@briannaamariee @natsnats @Mak1999 Hey guys! I’m terribly late to reply but hope what I say next can help in any way, even to just comfort.
I’m also a biology major like you, Brianna! Dang lol :(( And Nats, I was doing the ALEKS modules since June 22 (honestly felt hella longer than that) bc it was $235 cheaper than taking ARC 35 online and I also thought I would seriously benefit from more math practice. It helped a lot in refreshing my memory in math but I was afraid it’d consume me the entire summer. Also if I just did ARC 35 online that meant the final exam would be just a week before college started. I wanted at least someee time for summer break y’know. :!! It made me uneasy knowing that scoring less than 75% on the the modules or not passing MAE the 2nd time meant I already failed and would have to resort to the even more expensive ARC 35! I was also worried bc my Orientation was going to be starting on the 20th and it was recommended the MAE be retaken before then so I’d have less trouble choosing classes. I made several phone calls to UCR and no one from CNAS department really helped or answered about my math situation… However, Mak, about English, I got a 6/12 and was so stressed that I didn’t pass another placement exam. But, GUYS, I called the Student Affairs Officer at UCR’s Writing Program (the person who sent the email with the attachment saying we/I didn’t meet the ELWR) and she said I could easily take English 4 for the fall quarter. It’s a “common misconception” to think I was behind but I was really just taking classes “at my own level” so I guess that was relieving. Especially when she confirmed that no one really needs to take all the English classes right away, just as @selfconfidentgal said earlier. So ultimately math was my biggest problem and so was feeling left behind and spending more money than needed! I wanted to attend the Early Start Academy but I live almost 2 hours away and plus it was recommended I don’t do it while still taking classes for ARC/ALEKS.
@briannaamariee @natsnats @Mak1999 although… it’s also probably worth mentioning that I’m no longer going to UCR. It was mainly bc of a sudden financial issue. I mean I was facing an ultimatum that could’ve let me stay but when my placement scores came to mind and the money spent on the CHANCE that I do pass the retake of the MAE and the extra English class, not to mention the cost of the dorms and my liability to change majors/classes=more expenses and time blah blah blah :-SS this just isn’t for me. I hope your guys’ circumstances are better!! This isn’t giving up, just a detour! :-? let me know if you have questions about ALEKS though or anything.
@denimjacket18 Wait really?
We’ll be sad to not see you around there, but you’ll transfer to another place! So did you get any financial aid at all? Any grants? I actually know someone that was in the same situation as you (parents wanted her to go to a CC to save money) and I think she’s going to end up in that route. Not saying it’s bad, but I know it can disappoint people if they’ve been waiting to experience college the “usual” way. Good luck! You can do it 
@selfconfidentgal aw thanks! and yes i’ll be going to a community college but not the one where most of the people i know are gonna be haha thank goodness. yeah i save up a lot of money this way and was pretty disappointed at first but hey gotta do what you gotta do! thanks sooo much i wish i could’ve met you you’ve been so helpful
@denimjacket18 Same here! We can always PM though