<p>I know a lot of people have posted about this but I'm still kind of confused. I was accepted into Northeastern's journalism program, but more and more I think I'm interested in international affairs. I fell like I want to go into communications, but I'm wondering if a focus in international affairs would be more beneficial if I go into marketing/reporting/news analyzing or something of that sort. Plus - I really really want to take advantage of Notheastern's international co-op opportunities (Europe!!), and the international affairs program seems to offer more opportunities like this. I'm worried that a journalism major may be too limiting - could I maybe minor in international affairs or in a specific international culture (Russian or something?) I'm really interested in writing/journalism in addition to international studies, but I don't know which would provide the best co-op/career opportunities, or if Northeastern has a better IAF or journalism program... : / Any thoughts??</p>
<p>And I guess a better question would be if I should try to switch majors now if I'm not completely sure I don't want to do journalism, or if I can wait until I get a feel for the programs once I'm there. Is it going to be difficult to switch colleges (CAMD to CSSH, right?) once I'm attending?</p>
<p>Also - for IAF majors, is it hard to finance an international co-op relative to a domestic one in terms of housing/whether the co-op is paid, etc.?</p>
<p>Thanks so much if you read all this garbling!! : )</p>
<p>I’m not familiar with neither the Journalism nor International Studies Majors, however, you may want to look at major requirements ([Undergraduate</a> Catalog 2009-2010](<a href=“http://www.northeastern.edu/registrar/courses/welcome1011.html#sec]Undergraduate”>http://www.northeastern.edu/registrar/courses/welcome1011.html#sec)). Regardless of what major you take, you can always take an elective relating to the other and see how it suits you. If there is some overlap between major requirements, you can focus on getting those out of the way before making a decision as to which path you want to take. </p>
<p>As for International Study, I’ll admit to not knowing much about costs or about available courses. However, Journalism (in my limited experience) does not strike me as being a particularly structured major (though you should check the catalog to be sure), meaning you may have an easier time finding courses that fill major requirements.</p>
<p>International study is fine to do (only slightly more expensive than on campus), but international co-op is different. Often the jobs are unpaid or only a small stipend. There is a scholarship at Northeastern if you’re trying to go abroad to work but are having trouble with the financials.</p>
<p>IAF major here. Chose Northeastern because of all the international opportunities. Sophomore now-- I’ve already studied in Spain for 5 weeks and will be spending a month in the Dominican this May. Plan on doing my last 2 co-ops abroad and study abroad next spring in Peru. </p>
<p>I think IAF is a great program here. This may be because I’m roommates with all engineers, but I have realized that IAF classes don’t really teach me anything practical. I really don’t intend on having a job that requires me to know how to apply the realist or liberal theory to anything… So I’m really glad I’m now minoring in Social Entrepreneurship (this is the career path I see myself going down). But I chose IAF because it was international. But now I’m realizing that I could have chosen anything and made it international. Like my roommate is part of Engineers Without Borders and gets to go to Honduras or Uganda at basically no cost. Perhaps I would have been better off in nursing or something that would actually give me skills to use abroad. </p>
<p>BUT, I really don’t regret being in IAF. It’s an incredible program here, and I’ve taken absolutely amazing, life-changing courses. And you can really do so many things with IAF-- it really is what you make of it. It’s incredible all the different types of co-ops all the other sophomore IAF majors have gotten this semester. </p>
<p>The Presidential Global Scholarship is for international co-op, as intl co-op has become a high priority here. It does factor in financial need, and you can earn up to $6,000. If you don’t get need-based aid, you’ll probs get up to $2,000 I believe. Keep in mind, many international co-ops are unpaid. Also, $2,000 would go a lot further in a developing country than in a European country. But there are amazing opportunities in Europe of course that are well worth the expenses!</p>
<p>Please let me know if you have any other questions!</p>
Thanks for that list! Very helpful: )</p>
Thanks! By more expensive, do you mean airfare and living costs? </p>
That’s so cool to hear about all your international opportunities! Spain and Peru!! That’s amazing: D
If I decide to minor in International Affairs, could I still take advantage of study abroad (or co-op) programs designed for International Affairs people?
Thanks : )</p>
<p>Study abroad is not designed for IAF majors. Although, I believe all Dialogue programs are one IAF course and one other course. Anybody can study abroad. Anybody can find a co-op abroad. And I think even the IAF minor requires that you go abroad at some point (could be wrong, may only apply to IAF majors who must spend an entire semester abroad either studying or co-oping or doing two Dialogues). Just be careful planning your classes. Look into what classes you can take abroad vs. what classes you’re going to have to take at Northeastern. </p>
<p>Go to [Search</a> All Programs: Office of International Study Programs: Northeastern University](<a href=“http://www.northeastern.edu/studyabroad/programs/index.php]Search”>http://www.northeastern.edu/studyabroad/programs/index.php) and search by the different majors to see all the different options. And you’re not even really limited by just the options that the Study Abroad office shows there.</p>
<p>Yes, yes, I was just trying to figure out if the international programs which were described for IAF (or any other) majors (on that very site!) were exclusively restricted to IAF (or whatever) majors.
Thanks though - it’s good to know there are even more options out there!</p>
<p>I’m confused, which programs are you referring to? People go on Dialogues all the time outside of their major. My friend (IAF major) plans to go on the public health Dialogue to Kenya. Perhaps they give preference to students within the major? Lots of non-business majors go on the Social Entrepreneurship Dialogues. And especially if you’re minoring in IAF, I don’t think you have anything to worry about
Northeastern is really prioritizing international opportunities and trying to get non-IAFers to go abroad.</p>
<p>Okay, great! Sorry if my question made no sense - I was just referring to the majors referenced in some of the international program descriptions… But that’s exciting that they want more people to go abroad haha : D</p>