<p>I registered for the March SAT, but now I'm having some second thoughts, because I believe the scores will come back past the May registration deadline, and I had counted on the May date for a retake if necessary. January, however, now does not seem to give sufficient time to prepare. I would prefer not to have to take the SAT in October of senior year, but if this becomes necessary, is there any harm or problem with taking the SAT in October, will it interfere with early applications to some colleges or something? Should I try to cram a lot in this last month for January instead? My October score: 770 W, 740 CR, 620 M, and I'm aiming for a 780+ W and CR and 750+ on Math, do you think I could bring it that high by January? Or will October look good?</p>
<p>Or, other option I thought of, is it possible to cancel registrations? So maybe I could register for May anyway and then once I get the score back, if I don't need a retake, cancel the May registration?</p>