Match Me: High SAT [1520], Low GPA [3.4], OK-ish EC's Freshman [VA resident]

Hi there, just asking for generally what colleges will be a good fit for me.


  • US resident, immigrated from South Korea (1.5gen)
  • Currently living in Virginia, USA
  • Competitive and selective ublic high school
  • Asian Female
  • Athlete (golfer)

Intended Major
Probably something in biology, also looking into IT/compsci but more than likely biology. Maybe bio major with a minor in comp sci?

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • 3.4 unweighted
  • 4.3 weighted
  • 1520 SAT

*Currently taking Design and Tech (basically engineering), Research Stat 1, Biology and English (all honors), Spanish 2, Orchestra (advanced, so honors), Foundations of Comp Sci (also honors) and PE.

-Principal’s Award in middle school
-Presidential Award for Academic Excellence
-Won a few awards in music competitions
-Went to state level SciOly in 8th grade but did not place
-MathCounts 10th place in 7th grade and 8th grade
-Went to national level quizbowl competition in 7th and 8th grade but did not place
-All A’s in middle school

*Jack Kent Cooke young scholar
*Volunteering at local library (tutoring, planning educational programs)
*Clubs - debate, Science Olympiad, math team, quizbowl etc.
*Currently on Girls Golf team

*I think what made me flunk high school is basically my lack of study habits because I used to be one of those people who would pass tests while putting in like zero effort and thus my study habits were crap.

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Is this your essay?

As a resident of Virginia, I would suggest you look at the public universities there (but not UVA, William and Mary, and VA Tech which I think could be reaches for you). But VA has a ton of great public universities which should work for you.

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Ehh, don’t have much plans for essays yet… but will be considering plans for them soon :slight_smile: Again, I’m just a freshman so I’m just curious and looking at where I currently am so I can get an idea as to what colleges I might be able to get into in the future :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t waste any time worrying about college as a freshman in HS. Your gpa (not sure how you even have one this early in the year) has plenty of time to improve. Take rigorous classes that are right for you and do your best in them. Pursue activities that you enjoy, be involved. With an SAT that strong as a freshman, you should do very well when the time comes to test.


You’re a freshman - you don’t know the schools available to you, budget, and all the other stuff.

All the 8th grade awards won’t matter, etc.

Just be the best you - do the best you can in school while taking classes that stretch you but that you can handle.

Get involved - stay on the the golf team, rise to captain, etc… Keep doing the things that got you the awards. Maybe get a summer job after 10th or 11th grade if schedule permits, etc.

Very very early.

Come back in two years.

Good luck.

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Oh…you are a freshman? Well…then spend the next two years doing the best you can academically and do activities that you enjoy.

Then come back here in a couple of years and ask about colleges.

What did you mean when you wrote this? You have barely started high school.

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Are you still a freshman in high school? If so, then I would not worry too much about your freshman year grades, but would put in a strong effort to improve your grades. Your sophomore and junior years will matter quite a bit more. Improving grades will help, but improving study habits will matter just as much if not more. You will need better study habits when you get to college or university, and now is a good time to start to learn better habits.

Also, have you already taken the SAT and gotten 1520? If so, then you probably aren’t a freshman.

Alternately, are you a freshman in college or university? If so, then again improving your study habits and doing better from now on will be important.

If you are a high school freshman, you don’t even have first semester grades…so where are these GPA coming from.

Is this a projected 1520 on the SAT or have you actually scored that on a real test?

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Well, in Middle School I used to get straight A’s without putting in much effort and now in high school due to my bad study habits my grades are lower than usual.

Here is my free advice. Get off the internet and attend your classes with full attention, and get all assignments and homework done. And study. Period.


Yeah, I have took the SAT in 8th grade (real SAT not a fake one) for some sort of program I think and got 1520. I am a high school freshman fyi :slight_smile:

So it’s a great wake up call.

HS will be harder than MS - and college often harder than HS.

Start to focus, excel in time management - and you’ll be able to conquer this.

But thinking about college now - makes no sense.

If you got a 1520 in 8th grade, then you shouldn’t be falling behind - so yes, step up your study habit game.

If you took the SAT in 8th grade, I believe you will need to take it again closer to when you apply to college.


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One daughter took the SAT as a high school freshman. She did well, but definitely not that well. 1520 is very high for a high school freshman.

Yes, definitely get off of the Internet and start studying. Pay attention in class. Keep well ahead in all of your homework. You can pull up your grades with some effort. You also want to learn how to be a good student.

Some schools will want to see an SAT score taken in HS, so would advise OP to take it again…but no rush to do that.

Sorry, I’m skeptical of this score given what you have written. But it’s too early anyways. Focus on school now, get good grades, and worry about college in a couple of years. Come back for advice then.

Keep in mind that middle school grades, awards and EC’s won’t be part of your college applications.

This seems really weird, but I’ll take it at face value.

If you are freshman, just study harder and raise your GPA, you can definitely get it higher over the next 3 years.

For colleges, the Virginia publics are great… given your interests, take a look at the CMDA major with a biology focus at Virginia Tech. It seems to be a good mix of your interests in biology and IT. You can get a CS minor and/or a biology minor with that major with a little work as well.

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After the first 6 weeks of high school, “past tense” doesn’t apply yet, middle school means nothing.

No report cards yet - so no actual final grades for any class. This is all contrived?

Unless you’re attempting to ask for being matched to private boarding schools, my “matching” advice is to start your second half of your first semester in HS.


For these interests, you may, at the suitable time, want to consider a data science major, with biology as your chosen “applied domain.”

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