Math 126

<p>Anyone have experience with MA 126?
It has T 6:30-7:50p listed. Is that the math lab or actual lecture?
Is math lab mandatory?</p>

<p>The Tuesday night class is the math lab. I asked this same question a while ago, and this is how M2CK responded:</p>



<p>While your prof may not use this class time, you will not be able to schedule another class at this time.</p>

<p>Every MA 126 has T 6:30-7:50p on the schedule. UFE has a mandatory class on Tuesday evening. So, yes, that would be an issue, huh?</p>

<p>^^^Yep! Been there, done that. May have to wait a semester to do MA 126. If it’s the way it was when son registered two years ago, the computer will not allow her to register for both the MA 126 and the UFE course. Since the UFE course is mandatory for her program, Fellows, right?, she’ll have to wait to take MA 126 another time. Or maybe she might want to start with MA 125 even if she does have the AP credit, and if it fits in her schedule. Son took Calc I even though he had AP credit, and he never regretted it. Gave him a good math foundation for college and did fine for all three semesters of Calc that he took.</p>

<p>^^^Just adding to the post, if she is not engineering or math major, but she wants to take Math 126 as her science requirement, I would just wait another semester to take it. If she’s not a math or science major and wants to keep her MA 125 AP credit for core curriculum fulfillment, I’d either choose another science/math option or wait another semester. If I remember correctly, your daughter will be pledging, so she may want to not take a difficult science course her freshman year, anyway, as I understand sororities are a big time commitment, especially during the pledge semester. That’s only hearsay, though, just from reading this thread. My son is not Greek and an engineering major who is also CBH, so we have some experience with courses conflicting with required CBH class times.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. She certainly needs to inquire. It will certainly make a big difference on scheduling plans. She is considering the University Scholars Program (MA in Econ through A&S) which requires math beyond MA 125 (AP credit). Believe me, there was some happy dancin’ going on after the AP scores were reported. She thought that she was finished with math. Ha.
Otherwise, majoring in PoliSci doesn’t require math courses beyond MA 125.</p>

<p>asaumom…just a reminder Panhellenic speakers are Tuesday nights…you are excused for class but it is a time to bond with your pledge class.</p>

<p>Academics will come before sorority. However, they should go hand in hand. Unless, Panhellenic speaker is teaching Calc II, she will be going to math lab or UFE or both.
Aren’t speakers later in the evening? Say After 7p?</p>

<p>Starting with MATH 125 wouldn’t work, either. The entire calculus series (MATH 125, 126, 227) has math lab at the same time on Tuesdays. Will she have the UFE class at the same time in the spring as well? If so, you’re going to have the same conflict, because the math lab for the calculus classes always seems to be at that time.</p>

<p>She can’t be the first UFE student to have this conflict - why not call and ask what other students have done.</p>

<p>She will be excused for both…starting time for the speakers depend on the speaker…I think they usually started at 7 though. Maybe she could go late.</p>

<p>I’m surprised that UFE would schedule a mandatory class for freshmen that conflicts with the math classes that many of them will be taking. While not normally offered, there should be a way to override her into the UFE class if the math instructor does not use the Tuesday evening class time.</p>