I realize you know a lot about McGill, i’ve seen your totally informative posts on here for years and i realize you have connections to the program. This forum you all provide is a great service.
I would love to hear you address the graveman of my complaint. as it relates to our students going there. I believe your response, while I appreciate it, is a partial deflection, and avoids my core questions.
IMHO Duke’s admissions comitttee does not have a keen awareness, or any awareness that McGIll grades like crap. They look at a GPA, a lot. Just like McGill.
McGill prints off a list of your top six classes for Ontario students for instance and digs NO DEEPER THAN THAT, and that is both refreshing, that they don’t load applications like US Schools do with BOGUS extra curriculars of rich kids solving cancer and starting an e commerce business along with 4 charities… and also amateur hour, when it comes to believing the totally unbelievable proposition that Grad and Professional schools are “aware” of McGIll grading like crap , or 'standards?" What those grad school admissions committees, who are bombarded with thousand and thousands of applications see, is a GPA, first and foremost. If they reallly really do some research, these grad schools and prof schools you speak of, (like the kind that McGill itself does not do for its incoming class) then perhaps they would take that into account, but they really don’t. They are busy, they get thousands of applicants, if you don’t have a 3.6 or 3.7, then you are in the explanation pile. Is that where McGill ought to want their kids. In the pile that requires Esssays and all sorts of crap, and pleas, and begs for an awareness that maybe since the grad school is in the Northeast somewhere, maybe then maybe they’ll have heard thru the grapevine and curve the GPA they are staring at, back upward into their stack rank. Why does McGill continue to sort of get off or self gratify by making their own graduates fight with that hand behind their back. To what end I ask.
Again, I’m asking this for the parents out there, in this admission cycle in the Class of 2027, that desperately also have this very same question. And the answers that we’ve seen over the last decade on this forum, are woefully non answers. Does anyone on here have the power to escalate the questions we all have to the administration at McGill? What pleasure do they take, is our question.
Sincerely, Class of 2027 and 2028 parents, [who would just LOVE to counsel kids to go to McGill, but can’t because they’ve been counseled by too many McGill grads that you are just screwing yourself for grad school, unless you want to rely on that a busy admissions committee knows what you know Tom Sr, and you seem like the foremost expert in America on McGill. So I’m not sure my chances are good that the admissions committee at UCLA has analyzed and would pick McGill students out of their pile for Medical School admission and bump them up 1 GPA point. ]
Its a serious serious question, its been on this forum for 15 years, its been danced around its been talked about, its been conflated with other societal issues, its been forgiven as the cost of growing up and being independent, its been said that grad schools will hopefully “understand” and dig in deep into each file, the way McGill does not do itself… and it oughta be fully fleshed out here. I’d like to know what other administrators think on this, parents, etc.