McGill Decisions Class of 2027

My application was complete on 1/10, that’s when they received my self reported grades.

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"Reviewed-Decision Pending " for Arts- very disappointed. US IB student, 4.5 GPA.

Disappointing- but keep your fingers crossed. Know that McGill doesn’t evaluate weighted GPAs, and only bases their decisions on unweighted gpa without taking rigor into account. This can sometimes present problems for US students who have built substantial rigor into their academic programs.

May I ask with what IB grade out of 42? Thanks!

38 out of 42.

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predicted or on your transcripts?

predicted. I think I am the first person from my US high school to apply to a Canadian university and we do not usually get predicted grades. My IB coordinator was not sure how to do it and just gave it her best guess-- wish she had been more generous given my grades!

That is already very good! I think I have the same, my high school doesn’t share ours. Well, good luck for the rest!

Not good enough, clearly!

Reviewed decision pending means they are evaluating your application so I don’t think this is bad news at all.

Thanks- at McGill this means not accepted, not rejected- will reconsider as class shapes. We will try to remain optimistic!


Ironic. McGill won’t look any deeper into weighting its own applicants grades for what schools they attended, OR, if they took AP or not. But they expect the world upon graduation to weight their GPA up, so that no explanation is necessary why a 3.7 is as good as a 4.0 elsewhere. Ironic at best I suppose.

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Definitely stay optimistic- it’s still quite early!

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Requested Semester grades submitted. Now we wait! :crossed_fingers:t2:

I’ve been giving some thought to US IB Diploma applicants to McGill. I wonder if it is better to not apply as a Diploma candidate. You can be assessed based on grades alone. But, if you check the IB Diploma box, make sure your predicted IB grade is closer to 40/42 otherwise you might struggle to get accepted. US schools do not usually predict IB grades so I was unaware that my predicted was 37-- I’m also not sure my teachers knew how to accurately predict. Had I applied without IB, maybe my grades would have carried me to an accept. Just pondering all this…

for IB students applying from outside of Canada, the expected grades can be provided out of 42, or out of 45 (including the essay option.

what did McGill typically use in years past? and what predicted score do they expect by department/majors, as there is significant difference between departments, say between Biochemistry, Computer science, and English Literature? There are define majors where the grade requirements are substantially lower than others

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I applied back in November. I just checked my Minerva portal and it says Review-Decision pending. Does anyone know what that means??? Or when I will know if I got in and what my odds are at actually getting in.

Also, should I submit my semester grades if it says Reviewed-Decision Pending?

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It is sort of “on hold” Yes, submit first semester grades.