<p>YAY! i just got the email too! I am so happy. does anyone know what we do in the group interviews, or how we could prepare? also, it says that the chances are “pretty good” but does anyone know how many people are finalists?? Also, does this boost your overall package at all if you will qualify for need based aid anyway?</p>
<p>here is the email:</p>
<p>Congratulations! We are delighted to tell you that you have been selected as a Finalist for a McKenna Achievement Award at Claremont McKenna College (CMC). The Admission Committee is impressed with your academic and personal accomplishments, and we believe that you and CMC might be a great match!</p>
<p>The McKenna Achievement Award is presented to approximately ten members of our freshman class. It is a $10,000 annual scholarship that will provide $40,000 for your four years of undergraduate study at CMC.</p>
<p>The final stage of the selection process requires you to come to campus Saturday, March 7th, and to participate in two rounds of group interviews on Sunday, March 8th. This program is designed to aid the Selection Committee in making its final choices for the awards and to help you become better acquainted with CMC. You must participate in this program in order to continue in the scholarship competition. Because we plan to offer more than ten McKenna Achievement Awards, your chances of being a recipient are pretty good. We hope you will make time in your busy schedule to participate.</p>
<p>Finalists should be on campus by 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 7th, and the program officially concludes at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 8th. During your visit you will stay on campus. CMC will cover all of your travel, lodging and meal expenses. If your schedule permits, you are welcome to stay an extra day in order to visit classes on Monday, March 9th. This Monday choice is an optional aspect of the program and solely for your benefit. </p>
<p>We have created a website for McKenna Achievement Awards Finalists. Below you will find the website address and password. </p>
<p>(not putting the info in)</p>
<p>Again, congratulations on your many accomplishments! The Claremont McKenna College community looks forward to having you with us for this important and enjoyable program.</p>
<p>Richard C. Vos</p>
<p>Vice President,</p>
<p>Dean of Admission</p>
<p>and Financial Aid</p>