MechE gpa at tamu

so i found the gpa for engineering majors at tamu and i was slightly shocked.

Mechanical engineering average gpa: 3.3
Minimum: 2.5

wasn’t it like 3.6 just last year? why did it drop so much?

2016 Spring ETAM application GPA’s were after a year (2 semesters)
2015 ETAM GPA’s were after a semester and so were higher

@tr4metwo -So it stayed about the same? Also, what exactly is the spring admission cycle? Is it just the second semester? does it have anything to do with entry to major? Thanks

Yes, @NpHighTeK Spring admissions cycle is the second semester when freshman students first apply to major.

The Spring 2016 report only states the average GPA of those admitted, but doesn’t state the total number (or percentage) of those accepted vs. those who applied. That information is provided in prior admission cycle reports and provides a more comprehensive picture. This year, those with a GPA of 3.5 or higher were granted automatic acceptance into the program of their choice, which was not the case the last year, so that counted for a fair portion of those accepted. Per a senior advisor I spoke with, however, I believe they also made more seats available this year – in ME and other majors – fitting with the university’s goal to expand its engineering program. Keep in mind, 90% of those eligible to apply during the Spring 2016 cycle were admitted to their first choice major. This is much higher, particularly in the more competitive majors, than previous admission cycles.

@Thelma2 & @lee6666 . thanks… so just wondering, when you say spring/second semester is when you apply for major, you are talking about freshman year right? So you apply after the first semester, continue freshman year, and if your gpa after that is good then you are good to go? Also, how do they let you know , in the event that it does happen, if your gpa isn’t high enough for a certain major?

@NpHighTeK An general engineering student applies to an engineering major in the spring of their freshman year at the end of their second semester. Students must apply to three majors (meaning, if you don’t get your first choice, an applicant will be considered for their second choice, and so forth down the list.) with the option to select up to five majors. Majors must be ranked in order of preference. Students are strongly encouraged to apply during their first opportunity.

If your GPA isn’t high enough for a major, you won’t get in that major and they will go down your list of preferences. When decisions are released, you know what major you were accepted into. As the link Leee666 provided, it does tell you to seek advice and where to do that.

So, for the class of 2019, whose First Semester at Texas A&M University - Fall 2015
Spring 2016 - First Opportunity for applications opened April 7, 2016, closed May 4, 2016 and decisions were released July 21, 2016. There is more about it here.

From the link @lee6666 provided, you can see that the class of 2018 (current Juniors) that 97% of engineering students are in the major of their choice. It does not say if that was their first choice or third choice from their application. However, current sophomores, on;y 90% are in the major of their choice.

The application process contains more information. I would encourage you to explore all of the links. Read the recommendations link. Read the engineering academy and Galveston links in case that is what you are offered instead of College Station campus.

@NpHighTeK I know this whole process seems so confusing.

A&M changed the ETAM process between class of 2018 and class of 2019

Class of 2018 (current juniors) - for freshman, the entry to major considered end of first semester GPA. In addition, this batch has now gone through more than one ETAM process so more of them are in engineering majors of choice (97%).

Class of 2019 (current sophomores) - for freshman, the entry to major considered 2 semesters (a full year) GPA. That’s why 2019 GPAs accepted look lower than 2018 GPAs. Also A&M probably opened more spots in each major because of planned engineering growth. Because this class has only gone through one ETAM process the number in a major of choice is lower (90%) - maybe some were not eligible to apply the first time and after another round of applications the numbers will match the class of 2018.

Class of 2020 (current freshman) - the process could be similar to the class of 2019 where performance over 2 semesters is considered.

@tr4metwo , @Thelma2 . Thank You very much. Just wondering, how did you know about all of this?

While the report states that 90% from the Spring 2016 admission cycle (Class of 2019) are in their FIRST CHOICE major, for the previous admission cycle (Class of 2018), it only states that 97% are in a major OF THEIR CHOICE. @Thelma2 is correct in that we can’t assume 97% are in their first choice major, when some may be in their second or third choice for that admission cycle. MEEN and CHEN had a higher acceptance rate for Spring 2016 than for the previous cycle. It’s also not a strict GPA cut-off, as you are required to submit extracurriculars, honors, work in the field, etc. Also, the reports also don’t state the number of freshmen who were eligible/ineligible to apply or the total number of seats in each major – that would be interesting to know as well and would provide a more complete picture. The ETAM process IS confusing because it is a moving target. It’s been tweeked for every admission cycle so far. So what’s here today will likely change again. To see the Spring 2016 acceptance rates for each engineering major, see:

@NpHighTeK I looked it up again because it has been some time since I looked at it. And I supplied links for you above.