Merit Money for CS Majors

Has anyone received merit money for CS? I’ve seen lots of posts about merit money for other majors, but none for CS.

D accepted to CS.
no merit scholarship given so far. it is disappointing.

My son received $4000 presidential scholarship for CS. We are in-state. His stats: 35 ACT, 4.0 Unweighted GPA. He has taken all the tough classes his school has to offer. Lots of leaderships(including NHS president, etc) and extracurricular activities. He is a bit disappointed that he didn’t get the Trustee or the top presidential award ($8000 for in-state). We are just happy that he got anything at all. For the last couple of years, Purdue’s award for scholarships and honor college has seemed to be pretty random. .

@DFTBA97 - Congrats - be glad he got anything at all! My son has the same stats, loads of EC’s and has taken every AP/dual credit class his HS offers. Got nothing at all.

Son with 36 ACT and all of the extras didn’t get anything either. We are OOS.

@toddaroo, Thank you! Your son’s stats should be more than enough for the scholarship. I wonder if Purdue took a “holistic” view at his app, and decided that he’s more likely going to choose a better school?

@DFTBA97 , I’m trying not to be too cynical, but can’t help myself… “Holistic” just sounds like an excuse to not have to justify your decision. Frustrating on many levels… IN taxpayer, Purdue alum and parent.

I received 16k via trustees scholarship. I don’t have nearly as good stats as most ppl here. 1500 Sat but I guess they liked my clubs and ECs.

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@toddaroo, I understand and agree with you 100%. I think your frustration is totally justified.

@1TakeIncgognito in or out of state?

Separately: I have 35 ACT OOS and received nothing. I thought my essays were pretty good.

out of state

My daughter has 35 ACT, great everything else, spent full junior and senior year taking college classes at University. Got nothing either. I still feel like her acceptance to this program is an honor even if we won’t be able to afford for her to go.

Don’t drink the Purdue Kool aid. They don’t give decent merit awards to top students. Their Beering scholarship is a mystery and thus most likely discriminatory. Biggest fans of Purdue are old white suburban dads/granddad alumni who work at steel mills and are nearing retirement.