Merit Scholarships

<p>@whynotletitfly‌ what were your stats?</p>

<p>My daughter will be attending the Chancellor’s Scholars Weekend. We have chosen to send her alone as I think it’s good to have some independence. I have gone with her on many college tours and I am confident that she knows what she’s looking for in a college experience. Do other kids go alone? Is this a mistake? Should my husband or I be there for any “parent” events? </p>

<p>@phoenixmomof2 – what were your daughter’s stats?</p>

<p>3.86/4.6 GPA, 1460 SAT, 780 Literature SAT2, Small class size so school doesn’t rank. HS is all honors courses (except the Fine Arts classes). </p>

<p>@hcasey Just an update. My son got the Honors College packet a few days ago, but after the letter about the scholarships. So the order may vary. </p>

<p>Thanks for the update! I still haven’t received my scholarship information the mail seems to be all messed up right now. </p>

<p>Those that have gotten scholarships…is it showing online under financial aid?</p>

<p>@abstex No it does not. Under “FA” tab, it says no financial aid to review. </p>

<p>is there a preference over those who applied ED vs. EA</p>

<p>GPA 5.21/5 (weighted)
Salutatorian of class of 583
SAT-2020 (superscore-2070)
4 year varsity softball and co-captain
11 AP by end of senior year (scored 4 or better on tests taken so far)
NHS officer
nationally recognized HOSA competitor
many other leadership positions and community service hours.</p>

<p>What are my chances?</p>

<p>did any of you receive a package of areas of study and list of TCU clubs and organizations? I was waiting for the scholarship announcement but then received this one first. I’m quite worried that I’m not qualified for any scholarship though :frowning: </p>

<p>My acceptance letter was sent on Dec 16, and this new one was sent on Dec 17. Those who receive merit scholarships, do you know what date were your letters sent? thank you.</p>

<p>My son’s letter was postmarked December 18. Good luck to you and congratulations on being admitted. </p>

<p>@SATX53 did your son’s letter include a list of TCU organizations and areas of study? </p>

@MollyN My son’s did not. That came several weeks earlier.

Is anyone applying EA still waiting for their scholarship notification?

I’m waiting

@slomsdalen they said information will be out from Jan. 12, but apparently some alr received their letters, so I just want to be sure that I’m not the only one :slight_smile:

@mollyN My D was accepted EA and we have not heard anything RE merit scholarships.

Quite frankly I am very disappointed with TCU. My D applied EA to 4 schools all in the same ranking class as TCU. Without exception, she received admission acceptances from all others earlier, each of the other 3 included merit scholarships as part of the acceptence package and the other 3 all innudate her with relavent info 3-4 times a week ( e.g. you should apply for this scholarship, you should join this social media, you are invited to x, y n z events over the next few months, you are a top student we want you to consider x, y or z honors or leadership colleges…)

It’s sad in that TCU has gone from her top choice to the bottom of the list in that she does not “feel the love” from TCU that she does at her other schools (all ranked from 75-95).

@cc2709 I agree. The wait is endless :frowning: I’m really interested in going to TCU as well but this just kind of discourages a bit. However, many of my friends attend there and they said the students are very friendly, the atmosphere is great, and the business program is strong too. I have talked to my admission officer several times before and she appears to be extremely nice and friendly, so I still love TCU awn :smiley: Wishing that we’ll hear soon.