The Lofts - August Move in

<p>DS has not gotten his move-in info yet. He sent an e-mail yesterday and I left a VM yesterday.</p>

<p>Wondering when assignments came out last year or if anyone moving in this August received anything that may have went to his spam e-mail.</p>

<p>Searched my DD’s email – she got a letter from housing on June 16th about move in times but she does use a housing scholarship for her space at the Lofts so it came from the Housing office and not The Lofts. It basically says you don’t need to sign up for a time, and that if you are moving into your old apartment you can move in as soon as 8/1. For a new apartment it said 8/12 but to email if you need to come before then. Hope that helps. </p>

<p>My D has emailed and then finally called about moving up her move in date. The young lady said it doesn’t look possible, but she will pass along the message. She has to be in T-town by the 8th as the VP of her sorority. She’s trying to make arrangements to sleep on someone’s couch.</p>

<p>My D, who is also using a housing scholarship to live at the Lofts, has emailed housing twice asking what size bedding she would need. We know it is either a double or queen, but which? She needs to buy some sheets :)</p>

<p>One of her roommates contacted the Lofts directly about move-in and was told it wouldn’t be any sooner than the 15th. D was concerned about this so in the last email, she asked when they would get more information about the move in process for the Lofts. She has not gotten a reply to either email. All she has received from Housing is the previously mentioned email stating 8/12 as the move in date. </p>

<p>Why don’t you call the Lofts directly and ask about the bedding size? </p>

<p>I think that is what she plans to do this weekend. I’m letting her take of things :)</p>

<p>Finally got a call back from The Lofts – E-mails will go out next week. Move in times on 08/15 (the earliest) will be in 2 hour increments by floor starting at 8 am - 10 am for 1st floor; 10 - noon 2nd floor, etc.</p>

<p>They anticipate begin open until 8 pm on the 15th and from 11:30 to 5 pm on Saturday the 16th.</p>

<p>@BamaMomof3 We were told months ago the bed rental is full size XL. We were going to try Queen sheets since he’ll be adding a topper.</p>

<p>I was concerned that the buildings would not be completed by 8/15 in the new section.</p>

<p>It did create problems last year when my DD was on JBoard – she really had to scramble for a place to stay before they moved the JBoard girls and the Rho Chi’s into the Capstone Hotel, because she was also not supposed to have contact with her sorority. She finally found a spare floor with somebody in a different sorority and we came up with all her stuff when the Lofts finally allowed move-in and set everything up for her. Thankfully this year she has an internship that runs through 8/15 and she can just move in that weekend without so much drama. I’m pretty sure we just bought full sized sheets for her bed and they fit just fine. </p>

<p>Did anyone ever receive an email or written information about move in? My son has gotten nothing except the UA email from June that seems to conflict with the information Longhaul got (as far as dates are concerned anyway).</p>

<p>@BamaMomof1 DS got an e-mail on 7/31 with an attachment. DS almost trashed it because it didn’t look like an “official” letter, instead it is a mass newsletter with the Move-in listed in RED. The attachment had his move in date as 8/12. Not happening since we already had to take off work for the long drive. He sent an e-mail telling them the date we could get there and they confirmed a new time.</p>

<p>“If you are unable to move in during your designated time, please contact the
office at 205.469.2020 or email us at <a href="”></a>"</p>

<p>DS also got the notice about 8/12 move in, which was no good for him. He called the Lofts, they said no problem moving in later. Don’t even need to be specific. Whenever you get there is ok.</p>

<p>Also had a question for them about online payment of the rent. They have a different fee for paying by credit card or bank account. Didn’t know if that was one time or every time. They said paying by check has no fee.</p>

<p>Longhaul, thanks for the information. I looked at son’s email again, and he definitely didn’t receive anything. I will call them tomorrow.</p>

<p>I think that only those that are living in the Lofts and paying rent have received move in information. My daughter, and BamaMomof1’s son will be living at the Lofts through UA Housing and using their scholarship. We haven’t received information about move in yet. </p>

<p>BamaMama, my son has a NMF housing scholarship and he didn’t know that he could live in the Lofts. If it is still available next year, do they have to live with other NMF scholarship recipients in the same suite or can they share with people who do not have a housing scholarship. (It would be great if my senior NMF could live with his sophomore brother next year.)</p>

<p>There were a limited number of slots for the returning NMFs in the Lofts this year. They were not allowed to live with non-NMF students if they wanted to use their scholarship. This was a change from the previous year. </p>

<p>I just called and was told that scholarship recipients do not have a scheduled move in time. She said he could move in starting August 12th.</p>

<p>The Lofts does not seem all that organized or responsive with move-in information. My son is renting directly from the Lofts this year (last year we went through housing). We were told back in May that his move-in date could absolutely not be before 8/15 (when the lease starts). Then this summer his roommates started getting emails from HOUSING saying they could move in as early as 8/12 (they are also leasing directly through the Lofts this fall so we were not sure why the Housing emails). My son and I started emailing the Lofts asking for confirmation of an earlier move-in date. Because of work and service center training he has to do down there 8/15-17, moving in a day or two early would really help. We would get conflicting answers when we called and no replies to any emails. I wanted confirmation via email before I booked a flight back, etc… Then a week or two ago I finally talked to a live body (student) in the office at the Lofts and they said it wouldn’t be a problem to move in early. Still was skeptical but one of my son’s roommates is from the Tuscaloosa area and he was able to get his key last week to their apartment. So we are going down and planning a 8/14 move-in date. Without that key in hand I am not sure I would be a believer… </p>