Miami Class of 2017

<p>Yeah I have been seeing and hearing 3. With the singer/stamps invites earlier. I would like to know his source on that timing. Regardless I am going to be checking my email and MyUm page compulsively. Best of luck to everyone.</p>

<p>I’ve called to check an unrelated topic an the admission secretary said that results will start at 6 pm. Is true that scholarship invites tend to be send earlier than the results by an hour or two. Anyhow the process will be long.</p>

<p>D2 leaves for work at 5:45PM. Someone in Collegeland is out to get me!</p>

<p>Just had to say “Thank You” and “Good Luck” to all! Just found this site a couple of weeks ago and have been lurking (some would say stalking!) ever since… So very thankful for all of the wonderful information you all are sharing! UM is D’s first choice - so we’re anxiously awaiting information (hopefully today!) as well…</p>

<p>Please if anyone receives any news please SHOUT!</p>

<p>Just wanted to say good luck to all of you. D is a sophomore at Miami and loves it. I actually flew down to visit this weekend, and I’m sitting in a hammock on campus enjoying the beautiful weather. The new student center looks like it will be amazing. I hope you all hear good news today.</p>

<p>We might just shout it from the rooftops! Good luck to all!!!</p>

<p>Even my DS is checking his email constantly today (from school, even with the newly instituted super strict cell phone policy instituted this week). I think he’s excited. That’s a good sign :)</p>

<p>I’m dying. Trying to focus on work, rather than CC, to make the day pass quickly, but as you can tell, that’s not really working.</p>

<p>Did you hear they are coming out at 6pm eastern time?</p>

<p>Can anyone support the claim that decisions are coming out at 6pm?</p>

<p>I called and the woman didn’t tell me anything! I asked her when the decisions would be online…she just said “today”. I was like what time. She was like “they already started to be released”
So I was like well, when will they be posted, she said"sometime today"
I was like okay really that was helpful.</p>

<p>Hopefully the pain will be over soon (one way or another). Good Luck you all!</p>

<p>ilovemy - Thanks for sharing the info with us!</p>

<p>I thought that our decisions were being released in the mail?</p>

<p>Make sure to check out (and like!) the official University of Miami class of 2017 Facebook page:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Last year on the 2016 FB page the admin posted a message on the day EA decisions were released (though pretty late in the day I think, they might have been released by then) telling students to make sure to check MyUM that evening for decisions. He also posted again later that same evening to assure some who hadn’t received a decision, and had posted that info on the wall, that decisons would continue to come out over the next few days. He was very helpful to a student who didn’t have their decision by 9 or so that night - he apparently looked up her records, informed her that her application was incomplete and asked her to call the office on Monday morning. </p>

<p>You don’t get that kind of service at every school! Last year when IllD93 received her Northwestern University acceptance, she was one of the few able to log on at the time decisions were released and view it because she was able to check the website immediately. An email went out to students at 5 pm from Northwestern with a link to view your decision. Unfortunately, the site only stayed up for about half an hour before the servers went down under the load of incoming traffic and remained down until around midnight! The Northwestern CC board was going crazy of course. I’ve never head of that happening at the _ so their system does seem to be working : ) </p>

<p>Also, the _ admissions office has their own FB page :</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Lkim95 if you register in myUM you will be able to login and see results today( hopefully). UM sends an email with a number to register. In case you did not get it you can login with your SSN # and birthday and retrieve you cane ID.</p>

<p>Thanks for the tip on the FB page.</p>

<p>Wait, but I can’t “like” it… then my FB friends (and relatives) will already think that is where DS is going. He will need to be the one to tell his grandparents (who live about an hour and a half away from UM) and others.</p>

<p>I will rely on you all here to post when you get your decisions (unless DS is really on top of it today!).</p>

<p>No mail from UM today. I live in Miami.</p>

<p>Well, hopefully we will get our decisions soon. I am so anxious/nervous/excited! I created a decisions thread yesterday so we can post if we got accepted or not and our stats.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all of you! I hope that someone posts on here as soon as they find out the decisions are released. And hopefully many of us will see each other at UM in the fall :)</p>

<p>ddahwan thanks! I already did that. It’s just the letter I recieved a few months ago said that we would recieve it in the mail.</p>