Miami Class of 2017

<p>tick tock tick tock</p>

<p>Good luck to this year’s applicants!!! I remember well the joy in our house when S’s decision was posted.</p>

<p>Any minute now…hahah
I really hope that decisions are posted soon! I’m so nervous and excited!</p>

<p>Will decisions be posted online? I remember the web said that notifications will be mailed… What time do they start posting online?</p>

<p>^ Please read the thread…</p>

<p>Barcelotina, decisions will be posted on myum first and then letters will be mailed in a few days.
No ones sure about what time the decisions will be posted. Some said at 3, others say at 6.</p>

<p>Is anyone else picturing the staff of the admissions office singing the A-B-C song, reshuffling the records?</p>

<p>^ and giggling…</p>

<p>As long as its not eeny meeny miny moe</p>

<p>“R comes before S”
“No, it doesn’t”
“yes, it does!”
“Wait, A B C D E F G…”</p>

<p>My heart is racing right now…good luck everyone! And thank u for all the help! :)</p>

<p>Do they really send the decisions in alphabetical order? Curse you, alphabet! As a “W”, I’ve had just about enough of the tyranny of the alphabet.</p>

<p>^ hahah. I don’t know, why do people think its alphabetical? They didn’t do it that way last year, did they?</p>

<p>LOL - I just got home from work and the phone rang. Caller ID said Univ of Miami. Got our heart pumping. Of course, they were just returning my call regarding a FAFSA question. Don’t they know it’s not good to call today unless you are offering admission??</p>

<p>Speaking as an IT person, using an alpha field like “last_name” to process through a database would be my last choice. As the applications are initially processed thru a data entry function, there is probably a “user ID” assigned at some point. A unique number that can be used for sorting, searching and data mining with other databases. </p>

<p>If I were going to run a program to parse and process applications with the intent to:</p>



<p>then, I would certainly sort and process the data using some kind of unique numeric code like this “user ID” I mentioned. These would have been assigned randomly during the data entry process as applications were received, meaning there would be no correlation to region of the country, last name or any other demographic data.</p>

<p>Again, this is just a possible scenario, given from an IT perspective - it may or may not be what UM does in their admissions applications.</p>

<p>^^That’s just cruel!</p>

<p>Im guessing itll be at 6</p>

<p><<^^That’s just cruel! >></p>

<p>I know, huh? I thought maybe my son was getting a personal invitation :)</p>

<p>@Zinc: I am a B and I do not like your IT explanation,lol.</p>

<p>I have been on this board since my S’s admission cycle in 2005 :eek:, and UM decisions have never been released in alphabetical, geographical or outcome order.</p>