Miami Class of 2017

<p>i am literally so anxious!! i need a reply ive been waiting for 5 months already ah ive been frantically checking myUM today JUST TELL US ALREADY!!</p>

<p>Well thank goodness that it’s not released in alpha order. We, too, have lived that curse all through the school years. I was thinking about insisting that D marries an “A” but definitely not a “Z”! :D</p>

<p>Futurecane95, I feel the exact same way! I wish they could just tell us if we are accepted already! We’ve definitely waited long enough already. Haha. I’m so anxious to know my decision!</p>

<p>don’t limit her snorkel. my son is a “Z” and he is quite a catch! He might even be admitted to the University of Miami…any minute now!!!</p>

<p>Did anyone check the Facebook Admissions page? Someone posted that they were going to release the whole later today.</p>

<p>^^^ Lol jozuko! Of course he is!! Good luck to your S & fingers crossed for all of them!</p>

<p>This waiting is excruciating for me too and my daughter’s already a freshman at the []_[] so I’m only suffering vicariously. </p>

<p>Perhaps the plan is to release a bit later than they’d hoped originally but to have ALL the decisions come out tonight instead of in the traditional waves or batches (“waves” probably fits better with the []_[])? Sure hope so!</p>

<p>When will they post their decision! this is killing me…I want to know now! Is it possible that they won’t do it today?</p>

<p>Illinoismom93 - It seems like we were just following the release of decisions last year, thinking that "next year it will be us’. It’s hard to believe it’s a year later and it’s now our turn to sit and wait. Time flies…well - unless you’re sitting around waiting for an admission decision!!</p>

<p>ljrfrm: When you put it that way, it feels like the year went so fast! Although the minutes are passing SO SLOWLY now…</p>

<p>Too slowly…</p>

<p>hmmmm… Do you think I should start dinner? ;)</p>

<p>Off to the grocery store to fulfill wishes. I guess it’s just like any other day :D</p>

<p>there is no way I am making dinner. i have to much to do! waiting is a lot of work!1</p>

<p>Snorkelmom start dinner. I have people over and I am ordering pizza. It’s time for my kids to get use to college food.</p>

<p>The decisions are supposed to get posted at 9pm eastern</p>

<p>I’m shopping with H at Kohls hen getting pizza for dinner. I’m checking later.</p>

<p>“The decisions are supposed to get posted at 9pm eastern”</p>

<p>Where did you get this information?</p>

<p>myDandShopes, where did you hear that?</p>

<p>let’s all just start making stuff up…hmmm …decisions will be posted at 3:27 am in reverse alphabetical order and according to height and weight of the applicant!</p>