Miami Class of 2017

<p>How do the top MBA programs like Wharton, MIT, Harvard, Duke ect ect look at UM applicants? Do kids from Miami generally have a good chance on getting in? Obviously this depends on the kid and their resume but in general do kids from UM have a good shot?</p>

<p>Ahh skooled, you’re absolutely right. At the same time, when I had seen that MIT was ranked 19th, I had to consider that there can be some pretty significant year-to-year fluctuations. I’d be very interested in seeing yearly trends of these numbers. </p>

<p>To be honest, undergraduate educational costs are a significant factor, especially with the considerations of grad school tuition. If costs are your biggest influence in decision-making, then by all means, go to the cheapest school, work as hard as you can, and be successful in life. Maybe you should try and rank the importance you give to each of the different factors, and just see what care about from an education. I would also look at, from a professional standpoint, the regional influences of each school and the lifestyle in each region. I’ll tell you this much, Atlanta is certainly not the same city as Miami, which is just as different as Philadelphia. Also, personally, I’m a bit surprised that a high schooler as knowledgable and analytical of the business school field as you sound would have scored low enough on the SATs to not receive any merit aid…</p>

<p>Cost isn’t the only factor, but it is a big factor. So it kind of boils down to the extra $72,000 of debt over 4 years for UofM vs. PSU. Is that $72,000 worth it? When PSU numbers look so much better it is hard to justify the value I think. That is a lot of soft benefits to make up for in the Private vs. Public consideration, especially if the projected job prospects in the end are less instead of more. We’ll continue to think about it some more, but that is the struggle.</p>

<p>Anyone out there going to accepted students day next weekend?</p>

<p>Hi, my husband and I are taking D2 to accepted students. So excited! She hasn’t seen the U since she was a freshman.</p>

<p>We are. My son has been there but we are deciding if sending him to the dorms or not so we need a final look.</p>

<p>We should all meet up at a certain time and place!!! CC families together :slight_smile:
What are your children’s majors and where are you from. It is SO exciting!
We were there for music auditions and loved it. It was his reach school so he is doubly excited</p>

<p>NYsaxmom my son’s major is Engineering. Sax mom. Does your son plays the saxophone? Mine did it all through middle and high school.</p>

<p>Yes indeed…my user name is a clue :slight_smile:
And we will be flying in from NY!
As the day gets closer we should keep in touch.</p>

<p>All these future engineers who play the sax (including mine!). Wish we could join you next weekend, but were just in Coral Gables in February. NYsaxmom, don’t forget you’re going to look for me at the HS on Tuesday!</p>

<p>Funny! Mine is going to states on Tuesday. He is playing a tenor solo, a sax quartet (three times superior at State level) and a percussion octet. He also plays the clarinet. Unfortunately I do think that those will be his last big presentations in front of judges. He will officially “retire” entering college. Maybe just a little guitar now and then.</p>

<p>We all must stay in touch as our kids go to Miami. And yes I will see you Tuesday. PM me what time you’ll be there an what you are wearing…LOL!!!</p>

<p>ddahwan I’m guessing you are in FL? Our state music concert was last December and in NY you can only do it in 11th and 12th grade. I looked into moving to FL a few years ago and of course checked out the HS music scene and was amazed that you can go to states from the time you are in Middle School</p>

<p>Yes, I am in Florida, actually I live 15 min from the U.</p>

<p>You must love living there. I will eventually escape the cold and craziness that is NY and move to FL once my last child is out of HS. Having one son down there will help!
Will PM you later in the week to try and meet up.</p>

<p>I lived in California before (always warm weather) and I have to say that I prefer Florida. Let me know when you guys are attending.</p>

<p>I am an international. Applied for RD but still havent heard the decision. Do you guys know when would they send the decision letter and how (email or mail)?</p>

<p>What did you guys do to get a scholarship in the first place? I have a lot of leadership activities and community service I did. I also got above 1300 for my SATs after a few tries.
However, I failed to get a scholarship sadly. Does nearly everyone get a scholarship in UMiami?</p>

<p>My S got notification through his UM
He is a music student so his scholarship was based on his audition plus other factors, but for the musicians it’s the audition that is key</p>

<p>I know people get merit scholarship notifications with their acceptance letters. Also for FL residents there are a few other merit scholarships and grants available. Now I do not know if you do not get them early on if you can get them later on. You can always speak with someone in financial affairs an ask.</p>