Miami Class of 2017

<p>So When they say EA mid February are you guys thinking closer to the 10th or 20th?</p>

<p>15th. See what I did there? haha</p>

<p>The earlier the better for me, my grades get sent out mid-late february and lets just say senioritis is a real *****.</p>

<p>applied RD to UM. 2180 on my SATs, 800 math 2 SAT, 650 USH, 50% midterms (intl student), good ECs, great teacher recs, no idea about counselor rec (shd b good tho). my grades scare me. probably why i get rejected from like 17 of the 20 unis i applied to.</p>

<p>ps - can any intl student tell me if we had to submit a financial certificate along with the bank statement (not applyin for aid). like a Int. Student Cert. of Finances or anything. thx</p>

<p>I was told at a local presentation that EA decisions will be released Feb. 1</p>

<p>The wait is killing me. Just thought I’d mention it.</p>

<p>LINYMOM-I’m with you! This is the ONE that we’re waiting for. So far D has been accepted to her safeties with nice $. But she only cares about this one. We’re hoping her grades/class rank & ECs (10+ years Irish Dance) help.</p>

<p>MomtheChauffer: We are pretty much in the same situation… except that DS just said this weekend that, if he were to get into his reach (HMFR, which is what I hear them talking about on other threads), he doesn’t know what he’d do. Financially, it would be difficult (=loans), but we’d have to consider the costs-benefits. And that decision doesn’t come till April 1.</p>

<p>It’s going to be hard for us. Her test scores are “eh” so I would guess the merit aid might be next to nothing. That is what hurts her the most. </p>

<p>I didn’t see anything regarding ED yet from anyone online. Have you seen anything? Did Miami release ED notifications?</p>

<p>Another impatient mom here :wink: this is the decision I’m anxiously waiting for… D is okay with her choices thus far and while I think this one is a top contender, I’m so glad she loves her safeties! My H is in Coral Gables today checking it out during a business trip. He is texting pics and evidently he loves it too. Mind you, 78 degrees and sunny after a couple weeks of rain and drizzle here does help! I think (secretly) this is the one I like the most :slight_smile: Do any of you think decisions will come earlier than originally posted?</p>

<p>D was EA. Wait, I think I just read that ED was notified mid-December with scholarship info. Am I missing something?</p>

<p>I doubt they’ll be earlier. I looked at last years EA thread and it started 2/1 and went all thru the month. I guess they mail acceptances in batches??</p>

<p>We were there last year for open house. Beautiful campus. The 80 degree weather made it even better, though it was in the low 40s back home in NY. But the weather was the least of the deciding factor, my D just clicked with the school and what they had to offer.</p>

<p>Snorkelmom-I saw that also-“mid December”. I’m just surprised that there isn’t a thread yet for the ED crowd. Or maybe the ED applicants just don’t do CC? I just wanted to compare stats for those accepted & pray my D gets in.</p>

<p>Surely there is a crazy excited ED crowd? Where are they? :)</p>

<p>My D and I visited last spring during her spring break. We had planned a “FL tour”. Well, after UM, not much measured up and it was really hard to get her out of the car :wink: She will also need to earn some merit aid to make it work. My H had never seen the campus, but travels to the area on occasion and was able to spare the extra time this morning. I’m glad he was able to see it. He sent a pic of an Argentinian food truck outside the engineering school where he bought lunch ;)</p>

<p>Her other choices are not as warm, but I don’t think the weather was really a factor in any of her decisions either. They just aren’t very practical at 17, are they?</p>

<p>The only ED posts were from: 1 someone getting deferred to RD; and 2-someone complaining that a classmate was accepted ED with a drug problem (might be a ■■■■■, I don’t know).
That was it. I have a feeling the EA pool might be very large.</p>

<p>MomTheChauffer: Were you there for the Open House around President’s Day (I think it was Sunday)? I was there too - and we met up with vitrac and her DD also. That was a great day. </p>

<p>I think they release decisions at the same time, but I could be wrong. Feb. 1 is circled on my calendar.</p>

<p>I went to college in Chicago area, so Miami looks AWESOME to me. Wait, I don’t get to go, right?</p>

<p>As much as S wants to go to Miami, I think I want it just as much…the sunshine is calling my name :)</p>

<p>LINYMOM-yes that was the one we were at also. Loved when they asked during the information session in the Main Gym “Who here is from Florida?” and just about every hand went up. “Who is from out of state?” and about 20-30 hands went up. How many filled that gym? It was packed. Great weekend for us.</p>

<p>Anyone know how a student hears about merit scholarships? Does an offer come with the acceptance letter or is it mailed later?</p>

<p>I think I read on one of the threads that it is in mailed acceptance.</p>

<p>Scholarship info is included in the mailed acceptance as well as the online acceptance letter.</p>