Miami Class of 2017

<p>What day do you guys think we will receive our decisions?</p>

<p>why is this thread so lame and boring lets spicce it up!</p>

<p>Who is excited right now!?</p>

<p>I know I am, I’m anxious. I really just want to find out, I mean this doesnt feel like early action at all -_- </p>

<p>Early February? Wth does that mean!</p>

<p>It can be anywhere from Feb 1st to Feb 10th to be considered “early”</p>

<p>I wonder if the acceptance letter is nice, hell I wonder if the rejection letter doesnt make you feel like a complete idiot lol</p>

<p>ilovemyego23: For the record, I am completely anxious over the Miami acceptance as it is my DS’ #1 choice. But I will make myself absolutely crazy if I post here all day long. I’m pretty sure the decision date is Feb. 1, and that’s only 8 more days.</p>

<p>Too bad it isn’t coming today. It is absolutely freezing here and a Miami acceptance and scholarship would warm us up from head to toe!</p>

It looks like your children are following our DD around as far as colleges go. Our D graduated from Delaware in 2010 (where your DD is) and started Grad School at Miami in 9/2012 pursuing her Family Nurse Practitioner Degree. We just got back two weeks ago from visiting her. It was 80-83 degrees and the beaches were packed. She loves it there. Much nicer than here in NJ weatherwise. Good luck to your son in his acceptance and scholarship quest to Miami.</p>

<p>Mwallenmd: I saw you posted here and thought, hey, I’m being followed! JK! So how does your DD like Miami? (realizing that grad is very different than undergrad)</p>

Our DD absolutely loves Miami and the South Florida area. She was accepted to Penn but once she visited Miami and was accepted there she was ready to pack up her bags and move South (she is a warm weather/beach person). The campus is beautiful and, in my opinion, is very similar to the UD campus but with palm trees, swinging chairs in some courtyards, and of course the year-round warm weather. She spends a lot of her time at the on-campus Starbucks, which is right up from the bookstore. Relatively nearby South Beach is a “trip” to see and has a number of excellent ethnic themed restaurants. The student population is much more diverse than at UD, which has its advantages. Similar to UD academics are very intense and challenging but doable if you sustain good study habits. Again best wishes to you and your son. I’m sure he will enjoy Miami if that is where he decides to attend.</p>

<p>We’ve been to UM a couple of times already. Delaware is a beautiful campus, but you really can’t beat the palm trees and swings at Miaim (made me wonder why I went to Chicago for college!). DS loves the heat, but not a beach person - so I’m not worried about that as a distraction (would have been a big problem for DD!). It’s likely he will get into more “highly ranked” schools (FWIW) - may even get into his “HMFR,” but he will likely pick UM. It’s about the life and, as my DS says, if DS goes to Miami, he will never leave South Florida. He can excel there if he works hard and get a great job. The waiting is killing me though!</p>

<p>Did anyone else receive an invitation to the Winter 2013 Open House today? Wondering if that is a sign that we are accepted without outright saying so…</p>

<p>I received that email today as well.</p>

<p>I received the Open House email as well. Unfortunately, I don’t think it means anything. Hopefully I’m wrong though.</p>

<p>Yea I’m pretty sure that means nothing…Wait so, will we get an email if we got in?</p>

<p>I also received the Open house email</p>

<p>The Open House on Feb. 17? That doesn’t mean anything related to decisions. That’s for all prospective students. DS “got invited” last year as a junior and we went. Great day. (“got invited” = “received a postcard in the mail about it”)</p>

<p>Visited Miami today with DS, admission counselor at info session said they just finished reviewing all EA applications on Tuesday. Their goal is Feb. 1 notifications. </p>

<p>It was beautiful today, 78 and sunny! Just a bit different from LI today.</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing the Feb 1 date - almost to the end of our wait! Miami weather sounds perfect right about now!!</p>

<p>We are also waiting for the EA decision. Miami is one of his top choices.</p>

<p>Did everyone get the Priority FAFSA Deadline Reminder email yesterday? Feb 1 cannot come soon enough! ;)</p>

<p>Agree. This is going to be a long week! Finished FAFSA last weekend :)</p>

<p>I also applied EA. UM is my first choice. I can’t wait for the decisions to be sent out!</p>

<p>Does anyone know if decisions have ever been/are usually released before Feb. 1?</p>