Miami Class of 2017

<p>She did get the email about the FAFSA. We did that already, just need to update when the taxes are done. As for that other email, no.</p>

<p>I would worry too much about that email anyways. Miami is really crappy when it comes to anything electronically. For example they sent me an email saying i didnt submit my application in december but when I called my app was submitted for the EA deadline.</p>

<p>When you received the emails, were they to your childs email address or parents about FAFSA and open house winter?</p>

<p>The only email that has come to my email address was confirmation that I finished/submitted FAFSA.</p>

<p>Did ANYONE else receive this email? It seems odd that only one person did… Also I just received an email about an admitted students open house? Anyone else?</p>

<p>I just got an email about the accepted students open house day in April. I think it was just Sent to everyone because they had originally sent me an invitation to the junior open house and apologized and invited me to this one.</p>

<p>I also got that accepted student open house email. I don’t know why would they purposely send us an apology message to tell us about the date? I think It sounds like we’re in.</p>

<p>My S received the same email regarding the open house. Keeping fingers crossed.</p>

<p>I called UM on the 25th when I received the invitation to the open house, I also thought it was a sign that I got in. They however said it was a mistake and I guess they decided to send out an apology email to everyone…</p>

<p>Wait, does the email mean we’ve been admitted? Or was it just a mass send-out? It’s a little bit confusing!</p>

<p>Why do they confuse us like this! Haha But why would a college tell you about their admitted student open house if you weren’t accepted? It Doesn’t make sense</p>

<p>We got that email also. I think it’s a mass email. We’re trying not to read anything into it. My D said to me “did they just say I’m accepted?”. We’re sitting tight and not thinking about it. (My stomach is in a knot right now.)</p>

<p>It was definitely a mass email. I guess we just have to be patient until Friday, or at least try to be. Hopefully they do not delay decisions, the words “Early February” is sooooo vague.</p>

<p>Early decision results were posted on December 12th which falls on a Wednesday so who knows, they might post EA results after tomorrow…</p>

<p>Last year’s EA decisions started coming out Jan. 29th!</p>

<p>So do they send an email letting us know when decisions are on myUM or do we just have to click refresh 100 times a day? (:</p>

<p>Don’t panic people! I also got the email Trojan receive, but I think that’s only for people whose mailing address is different from their home address. Let’s just all stay calm…</p>

<p>Like I asked before… have you moms been receiving the emails or the student that applied under there own email address???</p>

<p>I’m the mom and I haven’t received any emails. Going to check with DS now to see if he has received any – he’s way more laid back about this than I am so he doesn’t check obsessively :)</p>

<p>Edited: Yes, he got the email that said he inadvertently was sent the junior open house email and instead telling him about the April accepted students day. Very strange to get that before an actual acceptance.</p>

<p>You all got me curious so I just checked. I (mom) didn’t get the email but my S did - it was in his junk folder. I definitely read it as a mass email that went out to everyone. We also got the Winter Open House one the other day - and this one bascially just says disregard it. I read it as an accepted student open house is available down the road - for those accepted.</p>