Miami Class of 2017

<p>This would be a ridiculous way to release decisions. We are at the end of the alphabet so it would take them how long to get to DS – a week, two weeks, three weeks??? If other schools can release their decisions all at once, why can’t Miami?</p>

<p>When I called today they said they hope to release it on Friday and I’m at the end of the alphabet, so I don’t see why they would tell me that if they are only doing 700.</p>

<p>The rest of the decisions will probably be out by Monday at the latest, slowly coming out over the weekend, lol you won’t be waiting weeks.</p>

<p>I received my Fasfa confirmation within 24hrs of applying.
I received the emails about open houses.
I am sure they will release all the EA on Friday and Monday, good luck everyone!!!</p>

<p>UM has traditionally released in batches over the course of a few days. In the past, it has NOT been alphabetical, geographical or based on decision (admit, defer, deny.) We are at the beginning of the alphabet on the east coast and my S’s decision, an acceptance, was in one of the last batches. Good luck and please, try not to worry.</p>



<p>Literally LOL. Thank you for this :)</p>

<p>I found that a few adult beverages helped me thru those final few days back in 2011… ;)</p>

<p>I know, easier said than done!!! :D</p>

<p>Does anyone know if this year’s UM applicants (specifically EA applicants) are really competitive?</p>

<p>do you guys think that the fact that I just turned in my FAFSA two days ago will impact my decision?</p>

<p>Really batches over a few days? What torture! Who thought that that would be the best way to let anxious applicants and families know? Unless of course it’s some ongoing psychology experiment on us and they are observing our reactions! I hope not. </p>

<p>At the info session at UM on Friday the admissions counselor said that their goal was 2/1 for the EA notifications. Good luck to all as we wait.</p>

<p>Agree with my-three-sons - I utilitized the CC search feature extensively at this time last year to try to clarify the timing of decisions by reading posts from previous years since we were crossing our fingers that a S/S invite might be coming IllD93’s way and were trying to figure out what to do about booking airfare during the high demand spring break season with not much notice. </p>

<p>I found the previous years’ posts to be very helpful - the search feature on CC is so incredibly useful - especially since we’ve not be able to convince the powers that be to grant us any “sticky” threads for some reason. I asked several times last year if the CC admins could sticky some very helpful threads so applicants (and parents!) didn’t have to continue to hunt for the same answers to questions that had been asked and answered over and over.</p>

<p>Anyway, as my3sons said is typical, last year’s decisions did seem to be released in batches with no apparent pattern - alphabetical, geographic or accept/deny/defer. However, email invites to the S/S Scholarship weekends WERE sent (last year at least) on the first day that some decisions were available, via email, shortly BEFORE the first batch of decisions went up on MyUM. You can see that here :</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Shortly after 2pm CENTRAL TIME on Friday, Feb 3rd the first CCer reported receiving an email with the S/S invite and it did sound as if those were all emailed at roughly the same time. IllD93 received hers at 2:09pm that day and forwarded it to me immediately where it still sits in my inbox -that email represents the start of the most exciting year of her life, (so far that is - with three and a half more years to come just for undergrad!) </p>

<p>Shortly after that, the first wave of decisions was posted, at around 230 pm (Central). CCers posted their decisions over the course of that night and for the next few days in that thread as well as the one below. I do not know however if the decisions posted over the weekend here were actually sent on the the weekend or on that Friday. I’m inclined to think the first batch, with most of the decisions, went out that Friday at around the same time before the admissions office closed for the weekend and some decisions were just being reported here on CC over the weekend:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>In the second thread the second “batch” is evident - some CCers indicated that admissions told them a second group of decisions would be released on the following Wednesday and that looks accurate based on later posts. This did look though like a MUCH smaller group, though, at least based on posts here. </p>

<p>After that, there were two parents who posted on Feb 17th that their students had still not received a decision - and the very last CCer to post a decision that I saw, stated on page 4 that she received her acceptance notice that day - which was Feb 24th. Those last three were so much later than the first two batches though that they seem to be outliers. Perhaps something went wrong with their apps, or access to My Um, or ? </p>

<p>In any case, MOST decisions last year seemed to be available that first night, based on CC posts.</p>

<p>Toby- dont worry about it, all Florida students had to fill out Fasfa for Bright futures scholarships, whether they are “in need” or not! Just a bunch of nosey gov’t people trying to cancel the “bright futures” for those who pay high taxes! Sorry, to rant!!! :)</p>

<p>Around what time are decisions released tomorrow on their website?</p>

<p>No one has any idea. You can call admissions and ask. I was just going to check periodically through out the day.</p>

<p>Last year I think they said 2pm Central time which is 3 pm Eastern Time and 12 pm Pacific time</p>

<p>My admissions informations changed from showing what they had received to a message saying they would notify me soon, anyone else?</p>

<p>Nope, mine still says “your application has been sent to the admission committee for review…”</p>

<p>Mine also has the Documents Received message too. No change :(</p>

<p>Trojan13, not to be weird, but I’m also from MA, so that might have something to do with it.</p>

<p>Trojan and DRey,
Mine also says the same thing about documents received and under review, and I’m from FL</p>