Mid term grades

<p>Mid term grades are posted, yay :wink:
(I don’t see my smiley wink face???)</p>

<p>I see it!</p>

<p>Glad you’re getting good news! Always a relief!</p>

<p>Really hoping all of my teachers bother to post them this semester! I’m getting antsy!</p>

<p>It will depend on the level of your classes. I think all the 100 level classes must post…not sure about the 200 level. Some profs do it for all of their classes.</p>

<p>Instructors are supposed to post midterm grades for 100 and 200 level courses, but are not required to do so for other courses.</p>

<p>Interesting. Last semester my GY 102 prof never gave us midterm grades. My PSC 101 and ARH 252 classes haven’t gotten midterm grades this semester – I’m wondering if it’s because they’re online classes?</p>

<p>I imagine that an online class has given you all of your grades up to date and are online so a student would know how he’s doing. </p>

<p>Regina…are grades for various online tests and assignments provided to you in a timely fashion or is there a big delay?</p>

<p>Tests and exams are graded immediately for both of my online classes, but we had an essay assignment for ARH that was due a month ago and I haven’t received a grade yet.</p>