Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@GoatMama I just accepted a position in Sonoma county CA and am actually going to be commuting/working remote for the near future. Might consider moving next summer for in state tuition consideration. Hoping to stay in New England for one more year at least.

Although this means I will live on east coast and commute west, while my husband lives/ works west and commutes east for us. Our oldest goes to college in the west and our college sophmore daughter will most likely be transferring to USC in the fall. Looks like all roads will ultimately lead us back west.

If you have a child living with you and not headed to BS before you would move, you should give serious thought to that. NYC has amazing schools (private, but also some great public magnets) but the competition to get in is quite fierce, particularly if you’re not already in the funnel for one. And they are expensive. I watched several friends, the types not prone to getting caught up in prestige and competitive parenting, become completely undone by school applications.

In many ways, NYC is a better place to live than visit if you have the means to enjoy it. If you don’t, lots of things can quickly start to feel like huge hassles. If you can’t negotiate a reasonable package, it’s probably not worth it.

@GoatMama congrats on this possibility coming your way! There are many parents like us now moving bad into the city after making the choice years ago to do the suburbs. My friends in their 50’s are loving living in NYC- they enjoying the energy a, pace, and intellectual stimulation. It’s a good mix of parents who are returning to the city and parents who had kids nearby, the mixing with DINKS ( double income no kids). We lived in the city for 20 years then the leafy towns of Westchester :). PM me about it

@GoatMama : If the job is at NYU or Columbia, it may come with subsidized, faculty housing in Manhattan that you would never be able to afford at market rate…

So many helpful perspectives! This seems to be THE place to go for life advice, be it employment, schooling, marriage, divorce, birth, death… Thanks all! And apparently there is indeed subsidized faculty/family housing within walking distance, as well as college tuition exchange program for children of employees.

And a coveted tenure position in Columbia? I say take it!

Definitely reach out if you want NYC school advice @GoatMama - it is indeed a turbulent funnel as @gardenstategal mentions!

The subsidized housing makes it sound better; would you be able to stay there after you retire? In many ways, Manhattan seems like an ideal retirement location, IF you can afford to live there. Also, as someone who moved many times as a child, I caution you not to underestimate the potential impact of the move on your children. Best of luck whatever you decide!

I agree K-12 schooling arrangement is the biggest challenge, no doubt. So it sounds like you have younger kids? If so, you definitely should look into school options for them long and hard before making the decision. Of course, if they manage to get in BS following their older sibling’s foot steps, problem solved! :slight_smile:

Younger child goes into 7th grade next year. Not sure BS will ever be an option for him due to a serious chronic condition, so schooling will be a major deciding factor. Subsidized faculty housing is limited to 10 years. And I love Columbia, but it’s not it, @panpacific! I’ll be pestering some of you with PMs once I have all details. Merci!

I have lived in Brooklyn, Westchester, Northern NJ and now Ulster county. I say go for it! Or at least seriously consider it. The best thing about living in NYC is the incredibly interesting people you will meet - and the vibe is actually more relaxed in the city than in the closer burbs. The school situation is daunting but Employer may be able to help. It is a great city for retirees too - and you probably can have the fantasy country house in time. Many families rent in the city and purchase in the Berkshires, Hamptons, Hudson Valley which is where we are now. (Obviously some towns are more affordable than others.) My husband has an office in Soho but doesn’t need to be there every day so we are able to live about 1 1/2 hr drive north and he takes a direct bus with wifi a few times a week and works the whole ride. There is something for everybody! As far as kids, there is no interest no matter how obscure that can’t be explored here plus teens actually have a huge amount of independence (no need for mom or dad to drive them in the city). If housing subsidy applies to the suburbs, there are some very charming nearly rural towns, some within a half hour of Manhattan. Great hospitals too of course. Feel free to pm me.

@chemmchimney we will be in the Hudson River Valley this summer – staying in Rhinebeck:)

See you at Oblong Books then!

Damn. Chris Cornell (ex. Soundgarden, Audioslave, Temple of the Dog) dead at 52. I was a huge fan of his…preferring his voice to that of his contemporaries Eddie Vedder and Kurt Cobain.

This song was used to good effect in the recent “Man of Steel” film…but made its debut on the soundtrack of a GenX classic:

@SevenDad Same for me. I knew of Chris Cornell and Soundgarden before Pearl Jam and Nirvana. “Outshined” did it for me with the deep tones and offbeat. Later in 1994, I used to play the video game Road Rash on Play Station constantly. The soundtrack included songs from Badmotorfinger (“Outshined”,“Rusty Cage”) and Superunknown (“Superunknown”,“Kickstand”), along with a few other bands.

RIP Chris Cornell - Thank you for all you’ve given to the world… your powerful vocal range and the music that pioneered the Grunge genre. I’m sorry you were*…feelin’ Minnesota* :-<

@TooOld4College: “Rusty Cage” was probably my intro to the band, via a much cooler co-worker in my first job out of college… Still love that song (and the Johnny Cash cover of it)…the intro guitar riffs, wow!

@golfgr8 and @chemmchimney : Will be hanging out a bit in the area in July… gave D a ticket to boot camp at the Culinary Institute in Hyde Park for a graduation gift. We should do lunch! :wink:

HI @cameo43 congratulations on graduation! Looking forward to meeting for lunch in New Marlborough or Great Barrington week of July 24 -28 or Aug 1-6 we will be up in the area, with stops for 2days in Rhinebeck. Please tell me tge name of the new really good place in Great Barrington. If anyone wants to play golf with us CC parents, let me know . Can’t wait to meet you :wink:

Hmmm… there are a bunch of new eateries that have sprung up in GB recently… but I have a hunch you’re thinking of The Prairie Whale. Looking forward to seeing you :slight_smile:

@cameo43 @Golfgr8 Don’t forget to stop at SoCo Creamery!