Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@cameo43 and @Golfgr8 we like Terrapin in Rhinebeck but there are several good options. Would love to meet up! Chimney family just signed on for another 3 years of BS with Chimneykid 2.0 who will be starting at a Berkshires school this fall. GB was my 1st choice town but commute to Manhattan was ruled untenable for hubby.

Also you can have lunch in several restaurants located within the Culinary Institute - maybe Cameokid can do the cooking!

She will actually be dining in those restaurants for 1 or 2 meals during her weeklong boot camp experience! The rest of the time, I think they will just eat the dishes they prepare in class :slight_smile:

PS Yay for ChimneyKid2!! <:-P

Anyone ever have hitchhikers come home with their kid? Two mouses in two days, both originating from his room, and we have four cats. All of his unpacked things were taken outside and unpacked, shook out last night, and his room was uncluttered. Mama don’t play dat. (Actually, that’s one of mama’s triggers, so I self medicated and hid while guskid and gusdad took care of everything.)

@gusmom2000 That is awful!!! Thank goodness ds has never brought home any “hitchhikers” after being on campus.

Aargh@gusmom2000!! Good thing you have cats. We had one today trapped in our attic-- the exterminator says its mating season for mice & rats. Friends just had it also in CT! Good excuse to redecorate and stay at a spa while having the “house guests” checking out.

A ton of dirt hitchhiked home with ChoatieKid but no vermin that I ever saw. Yikes, @gusmom2000! I’m proud of your appropriate resonse, though. :slight_smile:

@Golfgr8: I have never heard of a specific mating season for rodents! Must be a Southern thing. Here in New England, they reproduce continuously and with gusto… all year round. (I will admit to an affinity for the baby chipmunks… ) LOL

OMG, Master of None — Season 2. Amazing.

How did I forget that 2 kids home = 4x the dishes? Oy.

Need signage: Are there dishes in the sink? > yes > Are they your dishes?>yes/no > wash them now!

I tell mine , " until the day you become a PGA tour member, I am not your caddie!"

You now, @Golfgr8 , that’s going to come back and haunt you…

Happy Father’s Day to all you great dads out there!! Thanks for the wisdom, humor, and support you share with our “CC family” ;)!!

Happy Father’s Day! :x <:-P

“And while the majority of applicants appeared to be wearing what I (and most people, I think) would consider to be appropriate outfits; one young woman was wearing an ensemble that both my wife and daughter felt compelled to mention on the ride home. Yoga pants, a tank top, one of those very open-knit slouchy sweaters, worn off the shoulder, and Uggs. I don’t care if you play squash and play cello like Jacqueline du Pr.”

My 14 and 15yo’s, who both attend public school in Boston, refer to this as the “White girl’s uniform,” or “Generic White Girl’s Uniform.” Points deducted if they are “FUGGS” (Faux UGGS).

Here’s a “huh?”

My father was a football PG at Marianapolis in Fall 1941 (he’d been stashed there by Holy Cross). The Headmaster gathered them together before Thanksgiving break (probably 11/18/41). “Boys, we will be going to war very soon. When you get home, I want you to think about enlisting in the Navy. Because if you don’t, you are probably going to get drafted into the Army, and you’re probably not coming back.” My dad enlisted into the Navy 12/1/41.

Fast forward to 11/9/16. One Massachusetts BS called an “Emergency All School Meeting,” due to the election of President Trump. The Dean of Students broke down in tears on stage. Several teachers cancelled their classes.

Times have changed.

Fosters, although a favorite of mine was a little disturbing last night in their season opener. I think they are trying too hard. Let’s just go back please to a lesbian couple trying to take care of natural, adopted and foster kids in a blended family and their everyday lives. That’s unicorny enough in the land of horses and zebras.

@Garandman Slang is regional. Here it would be referred to as “Basic.” And, it is a look dd enjoys except, happily, at our economically diverse LPS there are no points off for FUGGS.

I spoke with my daughter and she said “that look” is popular in 7th and 8th grade, but dies out in 9th. Why? “Because 9th grade girls are mean.”

There is a huge difference between how the girls here at our LPS dress and how they dress at my daughter’s BS. We live in a small town so out LPS only has 120 student and half are female. They all basically dress in the same way otherwise ridicule is unleashed on them for being “different”! At my daughter’s all girls BS each girl wears whatever she wants and no one seemingly cares!