Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I told DS he needed to come home yesterday because DH and I can’t figure out how to get our DirectTV back online! We will have to wait three more days!!!

Wow, @PhotographerMom. Even I have Shazam. Your post made me laugh so hard, I had to loosen my corset. Do you have a calculator on your phone? That’s the best app ever.

I had trouble turning off the flashlight that inadvertently turned on on my cell, and dear student came to the rescue. We must seems like techno-bumpkins or babies to them.

@PhotographerMom: Your phone probably also has a camera. K1 and K2 can show you how to use it, then you can toss the Instamatic. :slight_smile:

(JK, I love you PM!)

Oh, just pile on, @ChoatieMom. LOL I love the way hot coffee feels coming out of my nose. I never liked this shirt either!

If it makes any parent feel any better.

While watching this week’s episode of Supergirl while simultaneously texting with skibro, he noticed that two of the characters had Motorola Razr phones. He texts “Isn’t that grandma’s phone?” Indeed it is. The episode, however, was set in 2007. :smiley:

Well, if you want to talk about being out of date, I still use a flip phone. But I’m okay with being a Luddite. When I walk around in public places and see everyone glued to their phones instead of interacting with each other, I keep putting it off. I still spend too much time online but at least it is only at home.

I’m okay with being “old school” or as I like to think of it, retro. :slight_smile:

DS has a flip phone…and he loves it! Although, he can definitely work my smart phone better than I can…we should probably switch… :-?

@skieurope The Motorola Razr was the best phone ever made. If they could make an iPhone fold and be that size, life would be perfect.

Nothing like starting my day off feeling like a dried up piece of toast… but I did have a BlackBerry in 2007 ( World Edition- very fancy, or so I thought… not so sure now! ) and a wicked high BrickBreaker score. When I finally had to switch over to an iPhone… I think I wept. I still miss that thing!

I can’t remember model name of my all time favorite phone. It was Motorola flip phone with taxed based black/green screen. With it’s extended battery I could talk for hours on it.

I found it on google. Motorola StarTac. A great phone.

People use phones to talk?

With the iphone, you don’t even need to download the app. All you have to do is ask Siri to name that tune.

@PhotographerMom Riverdale is a dark, hip, but modern spin on the Archie comics. It’s a murder mystery so you have to watch it in sequence. Big Little Lies won Emmys because of the Reece and Nicole star power along with the serious theme. Daddy’s Home 2 was surprisingly entertaining. It’ll be an annual Xmas viewing tradition. White Famous is from the Californication family but much more comedy-focused. Hilarious.

@onthewestfence Thank you!!

@EarlyMTNester … Wish I had known that! :slight_smile: Thanks!

We always have a very big crowd for Thanksgiving. It’s actually insane. I’m currently working on the annual clean up/ dish washing playlist for after dinner - the only time we switch from soft music to something louder before we switch back to soft music again. It’s a delicate balance of motivating the younger crowd to help without terrorizing the older crowd and it is always a challenge.

Oddly, I’m leaning toward disco this year… I know! This will be a first! I’m actually excited. Does anyone have any disco favorites? That is- if there is such a thing as a disco favorite… ? I know I’m asking a lot here but I’d really appreciate it! Thanks!!

Disco! @PhotographerMom, you KNOW what I’m about to suggest… :wink:

You might need to borrow a mirrored ball. Maybe someone crafty can glue googly eyes and feathers on it to make it a turkey

Already downloaded, @ChoatieMom. :wink: I thought of you immediately and I have the BeeGees in my iTunes now!

@PhotographerMom Donna Summer. Any Donna Summer! And Earth, Wind and Fire is perfect table-clearing music.

Don’t forget Abba. @i70sband – what do you suggest? :slight_smile: