Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

“most epic debate over Blondie and if the song Rapture was considered disco”

The answer is yes. Both disco and new wave. 2 versions of the song were released, one being a disco version. :slight_smile:

BTW, I’m on Team Oliver. :smiley:

Happy Thanksgiving to the Photographer clan!

IMHO “Rapture” is a crossover between disco and new music called rap. I say it stays on the list!

Possibly heresy, but I never liked “Rapture”. As the kids might say, the “rap” part is wack.

In related news, Tom Tom Club’s “Wordy Rappinghood” is also garbage. “Genius of Love”, however, is genius.

PhotographerMom: If there is still time, please consider adding “Heartbeat” by Taana Gardner (1981) to your playlist. That will mark you as a true disco cognoscenti.

Happy Thanksgiving all…thankful for the friends (virtual and IRL) that I’ve made via the forum!

" Tom Tom Club’s “Wordy Rappinghood” is also garbage. "


Another late edition: It’s Raining Men by The Weathergirls. All out disco kitsch.Great voices, though.

Maybe we need to default to Giorgio Moroder (LOL). After all, he had the sense to include “Disco Inferno” on his list:


Good list although he is obviously a huge Donna Summers fan and ranks all her stuff higher than I would.

On the list - Sister Sledge’s We Are Family. Perfect for Thanksgiving!

@PhotographerMom - a number of friends of mine were the hockey players in Love Story. They are also mixed opinion…

My boys are home, so my nest is not empty anymore :x :x

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

@Garandman I think that makes for one of the best “degrees of separation” games ever. All of us in the Prep School Parents forum are now no more than two degrees of separation from the hockey players in Love Story. Who would have guessed? :slight_smile:

My boy is home, exhausted, and fell asleep before his head hit the pillow. I promised not to wake him before noon tomorrow. The best days are those with your kids safely under your roof. It’s going to be a wonderful holiday. Heck, it already is. :slight_smile:

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Happy Times @ChoatieMom! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

Just wanted to thank everyone here for their guidance, insights, and support. So very grateful!

Also thankful for everyone here providing guidance through this parenting journey!

I am Thankful for the BS Parents community! :x

I survived ( haha ) and the dishwashing playlist was an unexpected hit… mostly because it was very unexpected! Hope everyone had a great holiday!!

Happy belated Thanksgiving, everyone!!!

OMG, kill me, I’m dead…

Lizzo - “Worship”

My wife had seen her on Colbert a while ago, I I bought all her albums on iTunes at the time, but hadn’t really listened to them. That’s going to change.

Thankful that kids got home for the holiday, but more thankful they got back to school safe and sound.
I was always amazed at the International kids who flew from Asia by themselves to NYC, then hopped a train to Choate. At age 14, I was never that competent.

Wow. Thacher School evacuated due to fires last night. Kids camped out at Cate gym. Horses evacuated, too… scary and sad…

The fires north west of LA and recently in Sonoma are terrible. Praying for all those affected.