Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>ah thank you! I hope you have a dandy day!</p>

<p>CM- That thought had crossed my mind, too… LOL. If I win ChoatiePants, I will give them back. Promise. (Unless they fit my kids- then all bets are off).</p>

<p>Just got back from grocery shopping and I couldn’t even listen to the car radio. Thanks everyone… I feel like I hit musical pay dirt on this thread! I’ve never downloaded so much music in such a short period of time… It was awesome!!</p>

<p>Hope everyone has a warm and wonderful Holiday break! Cheers!!</p>

<p>I couldn’t resist. Sorry!!</p>

<p>[Mele</a> Kalikimaka - Jimmy Buffet - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>Prep School Parents Holiday Playlist? :)</p>

<p>You know Christmas is coming when classicalpapa starts pulling this one up on youtube; check out the voice coming out of little Lorna: [Lorna</a> Luft - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (The Judy Garland Christmas Show) - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>As long as we are segueing into holiday music…</p>

<p>[Silent</a> Night / Chet Baker & Christpher Mason - YouTube](<a href=“Silent Night / Chet Baker & Christpher Mason - YouTube”>Silent Night / Chet Baker & Christpher Mason - YouTube)</p>

<p>Chet is a fave of mine.</p>

<p><a href=“Santa Baby By Eartha Kitt - YouTube”>Santa Baby By Eartha Kitt - YouTube;

<p>My current favorite :D</p>

<p>Where is the “like” button? I would be clicking it every 2 secs if there were one!</p>

<p>Sent from my iPhone using [URL=&lt;a href=“Tapatalk”&gt;Tapatalk]Tapatalk[/URL</a>]</p>

<p>I grew up on a set of Christmas carols that no one seems to have heard of but which signal the holiday to me like no other. According to wiki, the composer, Alfred Shaddick Burt (April 22, 1920 – February 7, 1954) was an American jazz musician who is best known for composing the music for fifteen Christmas carols between 1942 and 1954. Only one of the carols was performed in public outside his immediate family circle during his lifetime. James Taylor did a rendition of one of them in 2011 [James</a> Taylor HD - “Some Children See Him” - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube) but the album is simply beautiful…[Amazon.com:</a> This Is Christmas: A Complete Collection of the Alfred S. Burt Carols: Music](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/This-Is-Christmas-Complete-Collection/dp/B0000031I7]Amazon.com:”>http://www.amazon.com/This-Is-Christmas-Complete-Collection/dp/B0000031I7)</p>

<p>ThacherParent, I know those carols well but have never actually heard a recording of them! I have used them extensively with choruses that I’ve worked with and have performed them many times. It’s almost not Christmas until that little book comes out. My only issue with them is that a few of them make me cry every time and then I can’t sing. My favorite way to sing them is with all parts mixed and in a circle. So lovely.</p>

<p>A feast for the senses. Services like this could bring even me back to church.</p>

<p><a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube;

<p>I always attend several of the Lessons and Carols services at the boarding schools in our area, the services are so beautiful. The weather and icy roads kept me from attending the service at CameoKids school last weekend, but I got to see it via livestream. I was so relieved to be able to see it at all, as she had a nice singing part and I would have felt awful if I’d missed it.</p>

<p>ThacherParent - I love Alfred Burt, but I agree that he’s not well known. His dad was an Episcopal rector and wrote all the lyrics. Alfred put them to music. While I’m not a huge fan of James’ rendition of Some Children See Him, I think it’s one of the most beautiful carols ever.</p>

<p>I grew up in a college town below the Mason Dixon and my dad was the dean. It was great because we could sneak into ALL of the homecoming and other concerts on campus without fear. The first concert I remember is Earth, Wind and Fire. AMAZING. </p>

<p>The first time I tagged along with my sister and her sorority crew at UNC was Prince’s Purple Rain tour. We sat in the PURPLE CIRCLE and I thought my life was nearly complete. It truly was PRICELESS. </p>

<p>We have NOT introduced our kids to this particular joy. Their grandmother runs a chamber music festival in Vermont (we’re there every summer June - August) and two of their aunts play professionally with symphonies. We’ve been taken over by classical and all the rap stuff just makes me want to throw up…but in looking for ways to connect …MAYBE!</p>

<p>@stanford94: Prince? Prince? I am VERY jealous. Purple Rain was first video I ever bought…on Beta, for Pete’s sake. EWF “September” also on list of my favorite songs of all time.</p>

<p>As for bonding with the kids over non-classical music, I happen to really like the work of Jay-Z and Kanye (his most recent video with Kim Kardashian excepted). </p>

<p>[Kanye</a> West - All Of The Lights ft. Rihanna, Kid Cudi - YouTube](<a href=“Kanye West - All Of The Lights ft. Rihanna, Kid Cudi - YouTube”>Kanye West - All Of The Lights ft. Rihanna, Kid Cudi - YouTube)
This track has a nice string/piano intro, before cracking into an infectious beat and hook, IMO. Warning, video features Rihanna wearing a minimal dress (though I find her voice more problematic).</p>

<p>BTW, I’m back from a trip over break and avoiding checking work email by cruising the forum. All PMs sent to me over past 2 weeks have been responded to.</p>

<p>Welcome back, 7D! Hope you had a wonderful vacation.</p>

<p>8" Bean Boots sold out all over the country?</p>

<p>I went to our local outpost of LL Bean to get some boots for my younger daughter. And when I asked for the 8" women’s size, the sales guy sort of laughed at me. “Man, we’ve been sold out of those since November. The college kids bought them up left and right. They’re back ordered until about February or March.”</p>

<p>Maybe I shouldn’t be too surprised. A trend we’ve noticed on BS campuses this year is leggings into Bean Boots, topped off by a sweater, and a Barbour jacket.</p>

<p>Lol, those were the same boots I wore in college. And teenagers think their parents are so uncool…</p>

<p>@GMT: I noted that to the guy…saying something like “I don’t get it. They’ve been around forever, I mean, I wore them. What makes them so hot now?”</p>

<p>He said something to the effect of “You can’t predict these things. A few years ago, the same thing happened with our shearling lined moccasins.” He also suggested I put my 1980s vintage 12" Beaners (on their second set of bottoms) on Ebay.</p>

<p>When I bought my daughter’s back in November, they were sold out until January for her size. FYI, I ended up buying her the ones lined with Thinsulate. Slightly more expensive, but in stock and (ultimately) warmer. You might have a look and see if that is possible. </p>

<p>LL Bean is annoying the past few years… they are always out of stock for items in the current season… how many people buy short sleeve t-shirts in January? Yet, according to them, you need to do that to have them for June. Grr. Don’t even get me started that they change items that have been best sellers for years… (wicked good bootie slippers have been changed for the worse…)</p>

<p>But I digress… :)</p>

<p>I did get particular pleasure from her noticing that I have a pair of 8" boots myself – and have had them for about 10 years. It almost killed her to see that I was “cool” first. HAHA.</p>

<p>I got Bogs! I love them. [Fern</a> Plimsoll Hi Women - 71413 - Bogs Footwear - The Official Website](<a href=“Winter Boots, Rain Boots, Farm Boots | BOGS”>Winter Boots, Rain Boots, Farm Boots | BOGS) They’re sold out of mine (Herringbone Plimsoll), which are the grey ones the model is wearing (but mine are brown). I originally thought Bogs to be the ugliest things in the world, and was looking at a cute pair of Sorels, but I’m vegan and it turned out they had leather. Goodnight, and good luck finding boots! By the time they’re back in stock, it’ll be summer and they’ll be sold out of sandals! I have big feet, but size 8 is hard to find in a popular style!</p>

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