Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I was thinking something blue and lightning it on fire.

And for the Love of God… don’t let @ChoatieMom talk us into a signature cocktail made with ice cream!!

Lol. Last Word is gin, lime juice & maraschino liqueur. I’ll try and find you a fiery one. There wasn’t one called deaf ears… gasp

@buuzn03 I like that idea, but I will be substituting rum… closer to a Hemingway Daiquiri. Yum. Maybe I will have a test version this evening… for scientific purposes, you understand. PS for those who have not tried one, this is a “fire” daiquiri (as the kids say).

Am happy to add actual fire @PhotographerMom - March 10 calls for drama, doncha know.

Flaming A$$0000? It sounds as gross as it’s name…151 rum, creme de menthe, creme banana& grenadine. No way M10 could be as torturous as that!!!

Thank you for starting the annual cocktail posts - so enjoyed last year’s suggestions. DH is making a Bloody Mary on March 10th (Parents only read this) with horseradish - sometimes he rolls up pepperoni on a toothpick to garnish with celery. March 9th - my take on a Mojito -

That’s one good thing about March 10th being on a Saturday this year! <:-P

Yum, @Golfgr8 ! I love a Bloody Mary that’s also a meal!!

Too bad I overdid it in college, or we could just have Flaming Ouzos… sigh, those fall into the “never again” camp (along with peppermint schnapps).

@PhotographerMom I found it. The Neon Nightmare — you can torch it, too!
Blue Caracao
Coconut Rum
Pineapple juice (it’ll burn better if you use pineapple vodka)

Wait up - are you folks seeking recipes for both days? >:)

I’m thinking all week…

I hear you with the peppermint schnapps, @london203 . :-&

I was thinking maybe we have earned a “daily”?

I’ll hold your hair if you hold mine!

Oh, and by the way - I will not be posting under the influence from some pub on Saint Patrick’s Day this year. I know you all are disappointed, but last year I made a special exception due to some poor soul needing to know who the Head at Exeter was… Stat!

This year, I’ll be turning off my phone. :wink:

We’ve promised DD a trip to the Ice Cream Bar on M10. I’m ordering a Dublin honey (hubby is Irish).


Sounds amazing @CaliMex but please don’t mention ice cream and give @ChoatieMom any ideas :slight_smile: … she’ll try to add it to a cocktail and before you know it we’ll be listening to the BeeGees or Elvis…

Ice Cream = Frozen Mudslide.

1 oz each of Kahlua, Bailey’s, vodka, 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream, crushed ice in a blender. Yummy. :slight_smile:

If we are talking creamy and frozen, try this:


2 oz. Bailey’s
2 oz. Pina Colada Mix
1 oz. Dark Rum
1 oz. Cream of Coconut
1/2 Banana sliced
2 cups ice

In case you haven’t picked up on it by now, I am a rum person.

ICE CREAM!!! Did someone say “ICE CREAM?” Now you’re talking. I’m putting this martini down right now and going to find the blender…