Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Queueing up my six-hour Bee Gees play list just for @PhotographerMom.

Sweet!!! I’ll bring the margarita maker & the disco ball!!!

Good luck to all! Can’t wait to hear all the great news!

When the good news comes, you won’t be able to afford those fancy cocktails. Better get ready for 4 years of PBR.

@PhotographerMom , you’ve dashed my St. Paddy dreams…

@doschicos PBR!!! I can’t even afford that…I’ve been pouring water into a pitcher in hopes it will just turn to wine!!!

I think that only happened once, so your odds on that are about the same as getting off certain wait lists.

DH says the odds are 100% if you’ve been hoping it will turn in to Coors Light as no one will know the difference.

@ChoatieMom :)) as far as my wine, if you talk to a few folks after M10 (and the last year me for a week or two) I will have a great chance of a transformation. Hmmmm maybe I should hold out.

I am with ChoatieDad on that one! Life is too short to drink bad beer/wine.

There goes my 200 bottles of good wine. Just paid the last re-enrollment deposit.

Agreed. Fortunately my local packie does not stock PBR by the keg. :smiley:

I don’t know why everyone is upset… There are extremely helpful online tutorials on how to make moonshine in your garage, people!

Or, you can try this : https://www.today.com/food/how-make-wine-instant-pot-t124212

You’re welcome. :wink:

@PhotographerMom if my water doesn’t change on it’s own…I’ll use that site!!! Still holding out…

If M7 is any indication… we may want to add a signature cocktail for M8, too…

OFFICIAL FREAKOUT THREAD. If this storm keeps DS from getting home, I’m going to need a freakout thread of my own… @PhotographerMom I’m ready for the M8 cocktail and I’m constructing the still. Hope everyone up north is safe and well-equipped!

Logged in to CC and saw this thread had like 30 new messages. First thought was OMG did some school’s roof collapse under the snow? Did Andover release results early?!! Nope, it’s just ya’ll swapping cocktail recipes!! I’ll take a double…

@chemmchimney of course there’s more posts about cocktails…priorities! Especially when spring break for kiddos, M10 and a huge winter storm are all combined!!! DILLY DILLY

Not sure why I usually skip this thread but I won’t from now on if cocktail recipes are included on the menu! Fireball and RumChata shots!

@MAandMEmom What? Skip this thread? Heresy… it is the best thread on CC. By far.

It’s the only place we can miscellaneously ramble. I have it bookmarked.