Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Mmmmm. Fireball <:-P

No they are mixed together. It’s very good! They call it Cinnamon Toast Crunch:).

Cinnamon Toast Crunch—it’s whats for breakfast!!

There’s a thread for everything on CC: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/1480325-songs-to-listen-to-after-being-rejected-waitlisted.html

Does anyone know how to make a flame-out? You light it…it has Galliano in it…

We had our son read “The Gatekeepers” about a year in the life of an AO and some applicants at Wesleyan. He only complied when it was required by his charter school.

This gave him a much better perspective on the private school admissions process. Kids tend to think that scores or grades define them for acceptance or rejection absolutely. The book makes clear that the process is FAR more arbitrary than the kids - and parents - ever imagined.

“Some will, some won’t, so what? Next!”

Can someone make a pitcher of drinks for @skieurope !!! I think he’s going to need one, today…or three!!!

@skieurope is an under-appreciated gem.

Rough day for poor @skieurope who may not be a morning person, but we love you @skieurope! Thank you for sorting out our messy kids!

I can just see @skieurope right now, hunkered down over the computer, sipping on a tall, cool one with DMX blasting in the background “y’all gon’ make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here” =))

Really, @skieurope, I could hug you for re-posting @SevenDad’s behavior warning and then adding that you will close “X or Y” posts. You’re the best.

The postings today from those that have multiple acceptances and one or two wait lists or rejections and they post how disappointed they are with their results… today is tough on so many applying, but not when you have multiple acceptances.

@skieurope needs another round!!! DILLY DILLY

On another note altogether…this is miscellaneous rambling after all, DS is on his way to the airport!!! I’m praying he has no issues getting home today because I’m so excited I can’t stand it!!!

@buuzn03 Yay! I hope he gets home with no complications!

@buuzn03 Excited for you… it is a big deal when they come home… even with all the “adjustment” they have to do upon arrival. :smiley:

@RuralAmerica Agreed. The “humble brag” is kind of annoying. Hold onto your hat - the 2-3 weeks post M10 can be exhausting here on CC.

Well. I must’ve jinxed it because although he is on the bus, apparently the driver didn’t show up. So faculty is scrambling trying to find someone to take them and momma bear is freaking OUT!! @skieurope can you pour me a glass???

Actually, this is relatively mild compared to M29 (Ivy League Decision Date). But I still believe that I will hoist a few tonight. :))

Mine isn’t coming home today:(. She’s off to Jordan on a school trip.