Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Sorry @MAandMEmom Hugs

The original Chimneykid is not coming home today either - opted to drive from GA to UT and spend the break camping with college friends in Zion. Boo. But happy for her too. Chimneykid2.0 comes home Friday though!

ChoatieSergeant’s flight was only an hour late last night. He slept til noon and is off with his dad doing boy things. I don’t ask. We’re celebrating his 21st BD tonight. <:-P So happy right now but not sure how he got so old and what does that say about me? :((

Happy bday to ChoatieSergeant! I remember when he was just a little Choatiekid.

LondonCollegeKid is staying at school for break. She has sporting competitions on either weekend so…

I imagine some fun can be had in the middle. It just won’t be here at home. :frowning:

Fingers crossed for an Easter visit!

No worries @ChoatieMom - all aging is done at those lower levels.

Happy birthday to ChoatieSergeant!!! Finally got confirmation that DS made it on the flight…so, my BP is back to normal. Only two more legs to go…fingers crossed that was our only crisis.

Happy Birthday to ChoatieFamily! <:-P

Safe journey home to buuznchild!

Yay to everyone getting some time with their kiddos!!! DD’s school made Spring Break later this year to coincide with Easter, so I have to wait two more weeks.

What did I miss?

It’s been said before … that someone should drop a house on me… Except this time someone dropped an enormous tree on my house during the storm … it took out our generator and it demolished a huge chunk of the newly renovated upstairs. It’s been fun!! Soooo happy. Too bad I couldn’t access the cocktail recipes here during the outage ( I had to save battery life so I could yell at people or beg for help ) but I did have a lovely white and a bottle of champagne stashed in a snowbank. You know how I always harp on planning- that’s planning. The tree guy noticed the bottles and I have tree guy cred now. I can die now- cute tree guy winked at me… because I have alcohol stashed in a snowbank.

We blew threw 2 1/2 cords of wood … and I can tell you with every fiber of my being that I’m not the pioneer woman I thought I was… it was actually warmer outside than it was inside my house… for four glorious days and I can’t even discuss the nights yet. I’m too traumatized. Heck! The dogs are still traumatized!! Thankfully, we finally got heat and electricity back two hours ago… and I’m ignoring the gigantic hole covered with a tarp until Monday. La…La…La.

Oh, and I’m still married which was a little touch and go on day 3 . :wink:

Much love to you @PhotographerMom, and my admiration as always. Happy to hear everyone is safe.

oh my, admiring your resilience, humor, strong marriage, and snowbank. =D> Hope the hole gets patched up in no time!

@PhotographerMom Holy Moly! I would have lost my mind and sanity in that situation! I hope everything gets fixed quickly! Good to know snowbanks are usual in some situations!

Oh my @PhotographerMom!!! That’s awful… you deserve more than two bottles in a snowbank! That’s worthy of a keg! Hugs!!!

I stashed breast milk in a snowbank during a power outage once. Good times.

@PhotographerMom, savor that wink. :slight_smile:

@PhotographerMom , you are my hero. I would not have handled the situation with as much grace and humor.

OMG, @PhotographerMom ! I would be curled up in a ball crying! Glad you could find some humor in the situation so soon!

^ Over here, it may be GoatDad curled up in a ball crying…

Kudos on braving it all, PhotoMom!

Rambling again…after a rocky chest-pain induced start, my boy is home!!! The extremely late arrival resulted in just a few hours sleep (spring forward exacerbated). @PhotographerMom it is 80 here…if you come down while the work is being done, I might be able to get the neighbor’s pool boy to wink at you!!! :wink:

Because I don’t want to say it on the actual results thread…some of these kids really aren’t very good at following directions. Even if they didn’t feel like reading the beginning, they should notice a pattern to the replies.