Miscellaneous Life Ramblings


@ChoatieMom - it was a massive and very old Tulip.

@PhotographerMom come on down to Texas! It will be in the 80’s this weekend! Let the cute roofers fix your house, I’ll find you a cute cowboy or roughneck you can wink at while wearing shorts and sandals!!! No time for grumpy!!

Or visit us in AZ and sip cocktails overlooking the golf course while the sun sets on the Superstition Mountains. No cowboys, but maybe ChoatieDad will wink at you. :wink:

Sorry about the Tulip, @PhotographerMom. It’s always sad to lose a grand old tree.

I’ve reopened.

I need to go somewhere warm with cute men that wink! Not that I have a hole in my house, but rural farm country…ugh!

@RuralAmerica you are more than welcome here, although we are pretty rural and in the desert, so not much surrounding us.

Anything is better than being surrounded by wheat and milo fields!

I am sick, have been since Wednesday. I’ve read all the books, watched all the Netflix… Any suggestions for books, movies, shows? Any and all will be greatly appreciated while my eyes are open!

@buuzn03 - In a heartbeat!!

Sadly the roofer- siding -gutter- guy that secured the tarp before the next storm tonight ( just shoot me now ) wasn’t cute. I’m not sure anyone can come close to cute tree guy.

My husband after cute tree guy left : Don’t worry - I’m absolutely certain he didn’t notice the thing hanging out of your nose.

Such a jerk- but he made me look!! :wink:

Last night, I stayed up way too late – when I start to see the turtle, I know it’s time to go to sleep! And then, I had a dream that PhotographerParents hosted SNL. I wish I could remember more of it. It was hilarious, though! :wink:

I’m not sure our marriage can survive another power outage… or more damage to the house- especially when our youngest dog ( who is actually K2’s dog- a lab , of course! ) has a real fondness for deer poop and has been puking all over the house today. I’ve been texting K2 pics of puke piles all day.

Is that bad? Do I have an edge in my voice? :wink:

@RuralAmerica McMafia on AMC is really great if you are into crime shows involving organized crime, Animal Kingdom is another one…This is Us. The Frankenstein Chronicles, Mary Kills People on Lifetime, I just started watching Britannia on Amazon. So far, I approve. Hope you feel better soon!

@PhotographerMom , a friend had a tree fall on her house in the storm. Unlike you, no hole in the roof. But it rolled off the roof onto her car. Which was flattened. We think it’s a sign that the universe wants her to have a convertible. …
Car roofs are so overrated! (She’ll be jealous you got real tree guys.)

@PhotographerMom photoDad is classic! I’ll never forget when DH busted in on a conversation I was having with out new next door neighbors, whose wife happened to be enhanced…and made sure to be his adorable, charming self. After they left, he looked at me and said ‘they seemed nice, I wonder if they’ll be coming over more often’. To which I replied ‘probably not, after getting a good look at your junk’. Oh yes, his zipper was wide open. =))

@RuralAmerica I’m reading a good book…it’s the 2nd of a trilogy, called The Bone Tree. The first was Natchez Burning. It’s making me cringe, but I can’t put it down.

@Serioussweetie thanks for the recommendations, but unless it’s on Netflix or Amazon Prime, I can’t watch it. I don’t have “TV” in my house…at least not actual channels! :wink:

@buuzn03 thanks for the suggestion! I’ll definitely take a look at those. I love new book suggestions!

@PhotographerMom a hole in the house, a puking dog…I really feel for you! I would also be texting the pics though! :smiley:

@cameo43 I would totally watch that episode of SNL. I would even record it.

We just watched the movie “GET OUT” on tv tonight. It’s described as a psycho-thriller-suspense movie. It was pretty scary and pretty suspenseful. At times funny also. Highly recommend this movie that was just in the theaters. In the movie, the Dad is a neurosurgeon and the mom is a psychiatrist for those medically inclined.

@PhotographerMom As the mom of 4 dogs myself (2 goldens, a black lab and a toy poodle), I’m feeling your dog woes. Puked-up poop is a particularly nasty thing. One would think that cleaning up for a human child would prepare you for it, but not really.

Just catching up on the past few pages of this thread and it is definitely conforming to the “miscellaneous ramblings” title! :smiley: Well done.