Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

My crappy day was turned happy when I got some pics of DD in a pie eating contest for Pi day today!

Last winter, about this time, someone posted a link to a boarding school in India. So GolfKiddo watched other videos of BS education spanning the globe…We thought it would be interesting to resume in 2018 our viewing of online marketing videos of schools from around the world…we also watched the BBC video about “swapping schools” - teachers from China going to the UK. Many of the schools seem very structured and strict — us parents now don’t appear to be so bad - at least for now…tomorrow a different tune.

There was a shooting in our hospital a few hours ago. I was still at work but in a different building. The gunmam shot two people, then killed himself. One victim is in stable condition, but the second one, a colleague of ours, passed away. It’s just terrible.

@GoatMama - thankful that you are safe! Had no idea. Hope everyone in your family is safe. Hug them even tighter in the morning.

That’s so scary @GoatMama . My heart goes out to you and your community.

Thanks @Golfgr8 and @AppleNotFar. We’re safe. But you never know anymore if you’re going to come back alive from work, school, or a trip to the store. It’s becoming like Baghdad for crying out loud.

What a scary night @GoatMama . Thankful you’re home safe. It’s so sad that these types of things are becoming more the “norm” now. It’s just not ok.

@GoatMama I barely know what to say. So glad you are safe. Awful that shootings are so common that they do not even show up at the top of my news feed.

@GoatMama , holding you, your colleagues, the families in my prayers…

Me, too.

Thanks, all! We had a shooting last week in a nearby high school: one kid dead, one injured. Not sure if it made the national news. Now this. It’s crazy. Hug your loved ones!

Glad to hear that you and your family are safe. @GoatMama

Oh nooo @GoatMama!!! We had something like that happen in our ER several years ago. Two of my favorite LVNs were attacked & put in ICU. It was awful. Hugs to you

Thinking about you and your colleagues @GoatMama. I’m so glad you are okay, and I am sorry for your loss. There was a lockdown at Northwestern Univ yesterday as well (false alarm). 7,000 children lost since Sandy Hook. I just can’t wrap my head around this. Unbelievable that we have to fight as hard as this for common sense laws that the majority of folks of both parties support in large numbers.

Hugs to you, @GoatMama. I’m so sorry and glad you are safe.

@GoatMama I am glad you are safe. That is very traumatic!

@GoatMama So sorry to hear about your colleague…

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Discussions of NRA, gun control, etc. should be avoided. I deleted a couple of posts.

Thanks @MaineLonghorn.

Hope @GoatMama and colleagues are well.

I was invited to a college "Mug Nite " and I went - for one mug! How can you resist a FT invite with K2 and friends yelling… chanting , screaming… You gotta come!!! My first Mug Nite… and to think I almost didn’t go.

I didn’t have Mug Nite on my bucket list but I quickly penciled it in and crossed it off… is that cheating?