Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I meant to add- Happy St Patrick’s Day, too. :slight_smile:

Husband and daughter are at Thacher for a revisit that includes an overnight stay. So jealous! I wish I were there…

Wonderful. I say, keep her close!

So nice.

Let us know how it went, @CaliMex !! So exciting!!

Kids turned us on to a Netflix series called Weekend Aristocrats.

Highly recommend! It’s hilarious.

Congrats & Good Lucky @CaliMex - please let us know how it goes!

Husband reports that the most spectacular sunset he has ever witnessed reached its peak right on cue as the newly-named head of school (and first woman in that role) addressed the parents.

All the best on the visit @CaliMex.

We are finding that most of the schools might daughter is considering have the same revisit day!

Does anyone have advice on how to handle that? It is looking like we will have to make some hard choices before revisiting the schools as it means only 1 school visit on this day.

@kazmom: Revisit your first choice on revisit days, then visit the others with a scheduled admissions visit tour.

Thank you @Publisher. Are the schools generally open to that possibility?

Yes–to the best of my knowledge & experience.

Schools might not have official admissions tours between now and April 10.
But admissions officers are so focused on yield right now, I bet they’d be flexible and help make arrangements for a visit on a different day. (And if they aren’t at all flexible, well, that’s data for your decision, too…)

Call or email each admissions office telling them that you have multiple acceptances with conflicting revisit days & ask whether or not you can schedule a visit during the week on a day other than the official revisit days but before the response deadline.

Thank you for the information. There is so much effort put into the application process I’d hate to say no to a school because we can’t revisit. I will contact a couple of these schools and see if we can get in the first week of April. Alot of the schools are on vacation for the next 2 weeks, until the end of March.

Yes, a school can arrange a one off day for your child to attend a class or two, etc. Contact them. You’re in the driver’s seat. They want your child to matriculate or they would not have accepted him/her. You won’t be the first person to ask to come back on a day that isn’t a scheduled revisit day.

A couple years ago, our daughter was hospitalized with encephalitis during St. George’s revisit days. They were very rigid and said no to rescheduling. It’s too bad, because it was one that was in serious contention. A cousin of her’s was already going there. Good Luck. Don’t know if the driver’s seat theory holds true. They have plenty of kids on the WL ready to take your place, and they have over-accepted already, knowing what past yield rates have been.

Not all schools are that rigid. Better to know now, before your chance le is enrolled!

Rambling…I’m sitting here in my Austin hotel room now off of work, but waiting until it is the socially appropriate time for me to join the crew team for dinner. Tick tick tick tick goes the clock…

The schools G Jr applied to have multiple revisit days: March 30, April 3,4,5,6. Busy week. We want him to revisit at least three. We “one-shotted” Andover with his sister and it was a huge mistake. So this time we want it to be a long, hard decision process.

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Waiting waiting waiting for post April 10th to find out if ds can switch to boarding…
Just had to get it out of my head. :slight_smile: