Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@carpoolingma What’s driving the desire to change to boarding? And will that mean we can no longer refer to you as carpoolingma? :wink:

DS is driving the desire to switch to boarding. He wants even more time on campus and even more autonomy from us (even if the BS rules are more restrictive.) We have a great relationship with DS but now that DD is at college, he does not like being under the parent microscope. Plus, he definately drank the BS Kool-aid! He wanted to board in the first place, but we didn’t let him.
I am, and will always remain, carpoolingma!!

:bz just wanted to try this bee emoji

You’ve been busy here! Hope everyone is OK…it is going to take me a while to catch up with CC. We were away, and on March 9, I really wanted to post a parody of “One Day More” that I wrote a few years ago and recently improved, but I couldn’t find the darn thing in my OneDrive. I hope I didn’t delete it.

@twinsmama Here’s the original, at least. That’s why they pay me the big bucks. =))

Apologies to Herbert Kretzmer

VALJEAN: One day more,
Another day, another destiny,
An ending to this tale of misery;
These admissions folks who know my fate
Must really like to make me wait,
One day more…
MARIUS: I cannot live until I know,
How can I live if not at Deerfield?
VALJEAN: One day more…

MARIUS & COSETTE: Tomorrow I’ll know where I go…
And if at Choate, my life has meaning
EPONINE: One more day of the unknown…
MARIUS & COSETTE: Will someone else take my place?
EPONINE: One more day without them sharing…
MARIUS & COSETTE: I was born to be at Choate!
EPONINE: What a life I might have known…
MARIUS & COSETTE: Even if it is a safety!
EPONINE: If I hadn’t bombed that test!

ENJOLRAS: One more day before the storm!
MARIUS: [Interjecting] Is the Hill School any good?
ENJOLRAS: What if I get into Hotchkiss?
MARIUS: [Interjecting] Should I join my brothers there?
ENJOLRAS: Though it is my backup school,
MARIUS: [Interjecting] Would I go there if I could?
ENJOLRAS: And my grandpa went to Groton?
ALL: The time is now!
The day is here!
VALJEAN: One day more!


That is awesome - thanks @skieurope for posting. Here is one I just had to follow with…

I Dreamed A Dream (from “Les Applicants”).

Completely off topic and rambling…watched the movie Wind River and found Taylor Sheridan’s storytelling mesmerizing. Looking forward to taking in two of his other movies, Hell or High Water and Sicario.

One of the schools is working on accommodating us on another day, so that my daughter can sit in on a class. Glad I asked.

@skieurope You’re the best!! I fixed the ending by taking out the blood that I apparently didn’t have time to scrub away in my quickie first draft (there’s a part about schoolboys’ blood that I left out when I posted) and made some other modest improvements. But I still haven’t found the darn thing…oh,well, I will fix it again for next year. :slight_smile:

@RuralAmerica: LOVED Wind River. Amazing pacing and great performances all around. Keep in mind that Sheridan only wrote the two other movies, which were directed by other people. I have not seen Hell or High Water but also LOVED Sicario.

Have not read or contributed to this thread in a while. Did PhotographerMom’s house fall down or something? Will have to go back to see what I’ve missed…but it seems like I’ve missed a lot.

In terms of media consumption, I’m taking a break from Jack Reacher book to read “What made Maddy Run”, about the U PENN track star who committed suicide a few years ago. Since it’s my alma mater and my younger girl is also a recruited athlete, I’m particularly interested in her story…

Also working my way through Ed Piskor’s graphic novels in the “Hip Hop Family Tree” series. As a kid who grew up on “Strong Island” during the rise of the genre, I’m really enjoying the historical perspective.

I got to go out with the coaches on the water this morning. I offered to buy DS Starbucks on the way back…he wasn’t having it. Took the day off so I could hang out with him, see what crew was about, etc and he’s not having it. So, I’m back in my hotel room alone feeling sorry for myself… =((

@buuzn03 I’ve been in your shoes a few times—made the trip out and kiddo didn’t want to hang with me. Know that your misery has company :slight_smile:

Crew is a whole different beast of a sport, right? It’s sort of available in our parts, but not like at these schools. Last year I was groping around in the dark trying to figure out how the races work and then the championships.

Going out in the coach’s launch is always a highlight, @buuzn03 – all the benefits with none of the work! Sorry you got ditched. Pretty much the story of my life…

The plus was I was able to supply the kids with tons of food and snacks & make emergency trips to the stores, when needed. This was a way for me to finally give back when normally I have to rely on others. I also got over 50 pictures of different boats to post on the team’s site, so parents back in NE could get a glimpse of their kiddo…so those are pluses. But now, I guess I’m left to trolling CC and reading a new book, as I’ve really got not much more to do…

@buuzn03: Four years of BS* crew and we never got that opportunity, so you’re already ahead. @AppleNotFar is totally correct that “crew is a whole different beast of a sport.” You basically plant yourself somewhere along the route, wait forever for your kid’s heat, and then scream your head off (and ring cowbells if someone has them) for the few seconds it takes for them to glide past. That’s it. I’ve posted before that in ChoatieSgt’s six years of rowing, we probably saw him row a total of less than 23 minutes. And, he always hung with the team and his boat mates, never, ever us. Seems we’ve just been spectators in his life for years now. >:P

*You decide what that stands for.

@ChoatieMom last year we were eager beavers and went out for a few of the races. This year we’re saving the money!

We need to find good drone pilots to help us capture the entire race!!!

Those drone pilots would be particularly good @buuzn03 if they could also get our kids to hang with us while we’re there!

ETA: They had good drone coverage at NEIRA championships last year (maybe it wasn’t all that good, but it was my first year so anything more than nothing was good in my book). Still didn’t get to hang much with the kid though.

Rowing is the worst Hurry up and Wait sport known to mankind. That’s why it’s so important to find fun parents to hangout with!!

I watch my kids race online, too. Sometimes ( depending on the venue or how important the race is, or if I’m responsible for delivering a boat ) , I’ll go but if it’s live streamed … we just throw it up on the flatscreen! You’ll definitely see more of the race that way, too.

For Christmas we took all the saved but too small to wear or seen better days regatta or head race t-shirts and had them made into quilts. The company who does it advertises on Row2k… I forget the name but it’s so cool how they do it.

If this idea might appeal to you- save all the t-shirts!! The quilt is a really fun keepsake and it’s beautiful. :slight_smile:

((hugs)) @buuzn03 On the bright side, it sounds like your kiddo is well-adjusted and fitting in with the team!